REVIEW: Food Should Taste Good – Cheddar Tortilla Chips

Rating: ©©©-1/4 chips  (notable)


We love the name of this brand.  How clever, and gutsy……plus, they’re right too!  FOOD SHOULD TASTE GOOD!

We’re just going to get this over with right away… far as we can remember, these Cheddar Tortilla chips are our least favorite of Food Should Taste Good’s chips that we have tried so far.

The tortilla chips themselves are not the part of these chips that we have an issue with.  The multigrain combination of corn, quinoa, flax, sunflower and sesame seeds adds a great depth and texture to these tortilla chips.  The additional grains add a nutty flavor to the chips.  We are also fans of the unique hexagonal, stop sign, shape of the chips – just nice to see the usual circle and triangle molds broken every once in a while.

Where these chips don’t shine for us is in their ultra-powdery cheddar seasoning.  The powder definitely tastes of cheddar, but is so finely ground that we almost choked while eating these chips from inhaling the cheddar dust.  The seasoning is so fine that it dissolves very quickly on contact with our tongues and the result is not very flavorful.  Also, we’re not quite sure of the combination of multigrain chips and cheddar cheese seasoning – at least, we’re not fans of it.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Food Should Taste Good Brand for review

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