REVIEW: “Dirty” – Funky Fusion Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

Dirty - Funky Fushion


“You’ll have what?!?” (this is what we envision the store clerk responding to us with, as we ask him for large one of the Dirty’s Funky Fusion!!).

What exactly is Funky Fushion?  Well, maybe to better help us answer that question we should first define those two words.

Funky (adjective):

  1. Frightened; panicky
  2. Having a moldy or musty smell: funky cheese; funky cellars.
  3. Having a strong, offensive, unwashed odor.

Not sure if these forms of the adjective ‘funky’ are necessarily what Dirty is referring to with these chips…?  Possibly, they are using another, slang definition of the word, such as:

slang: Earthy and uncomplicated; natural

That sounds a bit more viable for some chips that call themselves Dirty!  Then again, what do we know, maybe these chips are going to to taste like mold?!?

Fusion (noun):

  1. The act or procedure of liquefying or melting by the application of heat.  (probably not)
  2. Physics A nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy. (huh..?)
  3. A style of cooking that combines ingredients and techniques from very different cultures or countries. (warmer!)
  4. A mixture or blend formed by fusing two or more things. (yahtzee! bingo!!)

Well, that solves it, Dirty’s Funky Fusion Potato Chips are a natural and earthy blend of two or more things – in this case ingredients. It looks as those Dirty’s has taken a page out of Zapp’s VooDoo Kettle Chip recipe book, and simply fused a large selection of their traditional flavors into one funky flavor.

We would describe the flavor combination as tasting like sweet and salty vinegar flavored onion rings, but in the potato chip form.  With some barely recognizable notes of earthy garlic, and sour citrus.  Unusual to say the least, but also certainly flavorful, and tasty, if not a tiny bit one-note!  There are almost certainly other flavors included within the Funky Fusion recipe, but we couldn’t quite pinpoint any of them, as none of them were powerful enough to command attention away from all of the sweet and sour flavors!

As far as the potato chips themselves go, Dirty makes a very respectable kettle cooked potato chip.  Their kettle cooked recipe uses peanut oil for frying, resulting in a mild oil flavor that does not distract away from the potatoes themselves, or the seasoning blend.  The chips are cut medium-thin, and have a sturdy and crispy bite to them.

So, if you happen to find yourself a bag of these Funky Fusion potato chips, you do not be worried that they will taste like a frightened funky cheese nuclei, but rather just some uniquely flavored chips!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

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2 thoughts on “REVIEW: “Dirty” – Funky Fusion Potato Chips

  1. So here’s the deal man, about these potato chips, they are like awesome.

    Back to the matter at hand. I would describe myself as a person who likes potato chips, I mean I’m commenting on a potato chip article online, so yeah I’ve got chip cred… Anywho, I forgot what we are talking about. Have you heard One Direction?!?! The Story of My Life might be the best song ever. It totally speaks to me.

    So short story long; if you like potatao chips and One Direction, these are the chips for you.

    On a side note, I’m really high

  2. I’m thinking it’s a mix of cheadar onion and mesquite BBQ. Sweet after taste but with a bit of a bite. Great chip overall!

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