REVIEW: Doritos Dinamita – Chipotle Crema

Rating: ©-3/4 chips  (return to sender)


Junk Food Guy beat us to the punch on these ones……and we really wished he would have had the same opinion of these as us, because it would have saved us some money, and the trouble of tasting them!!  And, like we told Junk Food Guy we thought these sounded really good in concept, and that we couldn’t wait to try them.

Well, we have two big issue with these.

First, the flavor name/description is misleading.  We’re pretty sure that there is some mistake with these.  The Spanish word ‘crema’, used on its own (and not in conjunction with queso) refers to Mexican style sour cream.  Crema is very similar to what we know as sour cream in the USA, except that it is often more liquid-y, and able to be drizzled onto food (often times thinned out with limon).  Obviously, based on the description and translation on the back of the bag, which says “delicioso queso crema…delicious cream cheese”, along with the inclusion of cream cheese among the ingredients, Doritos was trying to give us a Chipotle and Cream Cheese flavored snack…?  These should be named ‘Chipotle Queso Crema’, that’s all we’re saying.

Secondly, we just don’t like anything about these except for the the zippy chipotle seasoning.  At first, we almost thought that the flavor of these may have some promise as the chipotle chili hit our tongues, and heated the backs of our throats.   But, quickly we realized that these chips are actually pretty gross in our opinion.  The two flavors completely clash with themselves, and our palettes!  These really left a bad lingering taste in our mouths….one that we can only describe as rotten spicy milk (like expired queso crema…).

Similar to the shape of Barcel’s Takis these Doritos Dinamita rolled tortilla chips seem to be mimicking the illustrious taquito.  And, they are simply not a chip shape, or texture, that we here at Chip Review appreciate at all.  In our opinion, they are too dense, too crunchy, and unable to be licked the way we like to lick our chips (it’s our secret technique…;).

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

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One thought on “REVIEW: Doritos Dinamita – Chipotle Crema

  1. Pingback: BIJOU-REVIEW: Uncle Ray’s – Smokey Chipotle & Jack Cheese Potato Chips | Chip Review

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