REVIEW: Dale Jr. Foods – Creole & Green Onion Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©-1/4 chips  (notable)

Dale Jr Foods - Creole & Green Onion Potato Chips


Little did we know the same day our review for Dale Jr.’s Creole & Green Onion Potato Chips was set to drop, had plans to publish their own take on the creatively-named-but-executed….only so-so, potato chips.  However, according to’s review, they were a little bit more impressed with them than we were.

First, Barrel O’ Fun gave us Larry The Cable Guy’s Tater Chips, and as much as we wanted to laugh at the thought, and dismiss the chips as simply a clever marketing gimmick, in the end we had to give props to B.O.F., and Larry for giving us some very solid and tasty tater chips.  However, it is becoming more and more evident that Dale Jr. doesn’t have the same affinity for potato chips as Larry.

Like any good food “analysts” we made sure that we knew, and understood, the product we were going to review.  So, according to Wiki: “Louisiana Creole cuisine is a style of cooking originating in Lousiana, US which blends French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Native American, and African influences, as well as general Southern Cuisine.” Wikipedia

In other words, Creole cuisine is a giant mish-mash of cultures and cuisines, and that’s basically what we can say about these chips (that, along with the bold addition of Green Onion of course).  In fact, they are so convoluted with ingredients that we almost cannot recognize, or establish any of the flavors, except for garlic.  Lots of garlic.  Lots and lots of garlic.  Which obviously, makes these chips very flavorful, but we also find that this Creole & Green Onion flavor combo is a bit harsh on our pallets.  Basically, it is as if garlic (lots of it) has been combined with pungent onion, and zippy jalapeno, and warming paprika, and salt. The Creole flavor gang has teamed up to attack and numb our taste buds into submission.

Dale Jr’s potato chips themselves are on the thinner side, very crispy, made up of mostly unbroken, large potato slices.  Their texture and potato flavor are top notch, but at the same time, no match for the flavor tornado that Creole & Green Onion bring down on them.  We can appreciate B.O.F. and Dale’s attempt to provide us with a flavor that we have yet encountered within the industry, but if this is as good as this flavor example can be, we don’t see it becoming a mainstream flavor at all!

As always we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree.  Let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Barrel O’ Fun Snacks for review

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