REVIEW: Dale Jr Foods – Zesty Jalapeno Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

Dale Jr Foods - Zesty Jalapeno Potato Chips


Every once in a while we luck out, and without even planning it, or expecting it, we happen to save the best flavor for last!  In this case, Dale Jr.’s Zesty Jalapeno potato chips, just so happen to be that flavor.   Although, we appreciated each of Dale Jr.’s flavors, these jalapeno ones just seem to be a bit more ahead of the pack (notice that racing analogy?).

If we had to describe these chips using only two adjectives, we would have to choose: “tasty”, simply because they are…well, tasty; and then we would also choose “weird!”  Weird, weird, weird!  Why weird?  Why not!?!  This is our review, we can choose….sorry, we apologize, sometimes we just get a bit defensive and sensitive when it comes to our reviews.

We would choose the adjective “weird” because these ‘Zesty Jalapeno’ chips are just not what we typically taste when we munch on some jalapeno chips. Sure, the usual attributes of a jalapeno chip are present.  They smell of fresh, vegetal, chile peppers, and they of course bring a nice and even spicy kick, but these typical jalapeno aspects don’t even begin to describe what these chips actually come at you with.  With these chips we also tasted: sour cream, garlic, onion, sweetness, saltiness and an overall richness.  The only basic taste that these chips seemed to be missing was bitterness.

So, what is keeping these chips from being “A-list”, perfect?  Well, as we mentioned above, these chips are salty, quite a bit too salty in our books (and we like our books salty).  Also, the chips were quite greasy despite being on the lighter and thinner side.  Although the jalapeno flavor is apparent, to simply name these as such, does not do them descriptive justice!

As far as the potato chips themselves go, like we told you in our other Dale Jr. reviews, the chips are on the thinner side, very crispy, made up of mostly unbroken, large potato slices.  Their texture, and potato flavor, are top notch, but at the same time, cannot quite handle the onslaught of flavor explosion that coats each chip.

As always we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree.  Let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Barrel O’ Fun Snacks for review

Chip Ratings Scale:

(1/4 increments)

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One thought on “REVIEW: Dale Jr Foods – Zesty Jalapeno Potato Chips

  1. I did not know Dale had a food line. VisitingFood Lion I saw these out at the check out counter and bought 3 bags because I knew my grandson would want them being Dale’s picture on the bag. By the way he’s six and he loves you Dale. I hope I will find them from now on at the grocery stores. I gave these chips (Creole & Green onion) A + and lip smacking good ! Can’t wait to try the other flavor.

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