REVIEW: Popcorn, Indiana – Hatch Chile Cheese Popcorn

Rating: ©©©-1/4 chips  (notable)

Popcorn, Indiana - Hatch Chile Cheese Popcorn


We were thinking just the other day how we had reviewed so many different bags of popcorn as of late, that we may just have to change our name to Popcorn Review; but then we thought that, the name didn’t roll off the tongue as nicely as Chip Review, and it would mean that we may not get to review chips any more, and that would be BAD!  So it’s settled then, Chip Review it is!! (but, we are still going to review popcorn too, we just love it so much).

Popcorn, Indiana specializes in popcorn.  As far as we know, they have created more flavor varieties than any other popcorn company.  With this latest flavor, Popcorn, Indiana has given us a new flavor that includes the underutilized Hatch Chile.  Our research shows that the Hatch Chile is native to the state of New Mexico, in fact, the chile is so popular in NM that they use it in just about everything.  Popcorn, Indiana’s chile cheese rendition tastes like a fairly typical chile and cheese combination.  The spicy chile aspect is definitely present, but we honestly cannot distinguish any Hatch green chile what so ever.  In fact, a quick glance to the back of the bag shows that Popcorn, Indiana not only decided to use the hatch chile in the seasoning, but also included chipotle and cayenne pepper as well to make sure we felt the spicy pain.

The chiles combined with a generous dose of tasty, salty, cheddar cheese was delicious, and of course a combination that we all know works well.  However, this seasoning wasn’t quite tasty enough to distract us from Popcorn, Indiana’s smaller, dense, toothsome, popcorn kernels.  We found it increasingly more and more difficult to get through each tough and chewy handful.  We would like to think that this bag of popcorn just happened to be an off day for Popcorn, Indiana, and that normally their popcorn is much more light, and fresh, and not so bogged down with oil.  In fact, we’re certain, because we’ve had better from them.  And may we just say thank you to Popcorn, Indiana for continuing to push the popcorn flavor boundaries, even if that means they have a few misses along the way.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

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REVIEW: Chio Tacos – Texas Barbecue Flavour

Rating: ©©©-1/4 chips  (notable)

Chio - Texas BBQ TacosWe have to hand it to this German snack company, they keep us guessing and we just don’t know what to expect.  We have not been able to distinguish any type of style consistency for Chio’s versatile snack spectrum.  Nor do they shy away from creating unique flavor choices, such as Wasabi, or Thai chili, with caffeine, or even Extreme chili & scary tigers…?!?

We have not been able to figure out for the life of us why Chio is referring to this snack as Tacos??  And, we’re guessing that some other people in this country have been confused by this snack as well.  Are tacos in Germany some type of snack or item that is circular shaped?  Speaking of the shape of these Tacos, they are sort of like shrunken Funyuns.  Actually, more accurately, they remind us of a corn puff snack shaped like a calamari ring (that’s squid, in case you didn’t know).  The rings are light, crunchy, and easy to pop directly into your mouth cavity.  They melt rather quickly once they have touched the moisture on your tongue.

Texas Barbecue?  Really??  First off, look at the image of the “BBQ” on the front of the bag.  Can someone tell us if skewers of grilled vegetables (with maybe some protein consisting of chicken or scallops, we can’t quite tell?) are representative of Texas Barbecue?  Actually, scratch that, we already know that it is not.  Texas Barbecue is smoke and beef, otherwise known as BRISKET!  We often find it very interesting when one part of the world (ours included) creates a snack that they think is representative of another part of the world, without every really doing their investigative due diligence.  Are you really sure that those fries, or toast, are really French?

The Texas Barbecue seasoning coating the rings basically tasted of garlic and onion powders, with the slightest hint of slightly smoky paprika.  Low and behold, the ingredients list pretty much confirmed those exact thoughts.  The flavoring combo was simple, it sufficed, but definitely did not do much for us, and certainly did not remind us of any barbecue seasoning that we are familiar with.  What we are looking forward to is the day that Chio creates some bratwurst flavored chips, or maybe beer, yeah!!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chip Ratings Scale:

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Chip Review’s Weekly Rewind


 8/25/2013 A quick look back at this past week’s crunchy chip reviews and random ratings.

:: Reviews ::

Brother Kane - Jalapeno

Brother Kane – Jalapeno Home Style Potato Chips

“It has become apparent that “jalapeno” is the new “black”, or we mean “barbecue”.  It seems as though every chip manufacturer includes jalapeno flavor in their flavor arsenal.”

Ruffles Ultimate - Loaded Bacon & Cheddar Potatoskins

Ruffles Ultimate – Loaded Bacon & Cheddar Potato Skins

“Ruffles Ultimate wavy ripple potato chips were already what Chip Review has declared the deepest ripple-y-ridged potato chips we had ever laid lips on, and now they are supposed to be even more wavy???  Wow!”

Herr's - Fire Roasted Sweet Corn Popcorn

Herr’s – Fire Roasted Sweet Corn Popcorn

“Well, ‘those worst potato chips of all-time‘ were none other than Herr’s Fire Roasted Sweet Corn Potato Chips!!  The potato chip version of this exact popcorn.”

Tyrells Sweet Chili and Red Pepper_couple

Tyrrell’s – Sweet Chili & Red Pepper Hand Cooked Potato Crisps

“The complexity of this multilfaceted flavor bonanza was quite simply amazing.”

Lay's Wavy - Ranch

Lay’s Wavy – Ranch

“Can we just say that we are genuinely impressed with, and loving, the newly revamped Lay’s Wavy packaging.”

Pepperidge Farm - Cheddar Bacon Puffs

Pepperidge Farm Goldfish – Cheddar Bacon Puffs

“Bring on the smoky, salty, piggy flavor!!  Go pork, or go home. Take us to “Porkapalooza” please!”

:: Ratings ::


RW Garcia MixtBag – Sweet & Spicy Salsa Yellow & Blue Tortilla Chips

Wise – Honey BBQ Potato Chips

Schlotzsky’s Deli – Deli-Style Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips

Poore Brothers – Sweet Maui Onion Kettle Cooked Potato Chips

Tim’s – Reduced Fat Cracked Peppercorn Potato Chips

Archer Farms – Sweet & Spicy Barbecue Lattice-Cut Kettle Chips

Buffalo Nickel Wingers – Fiery Buffalo Bleu Potato Chips