REVIEW: Jay’s – Hot Fries

Rating: ©© chips  (tolerable)

Jay's - Hot Fries


Really, kinda, sorta, meh….

Jay’s “Hot” Fries are very subtly seasoned, barring on flavorless.  Plain and simple, when we see flames on a bag, in conjunction with the flavor description of ‘hot’, it is fair to say that we are expecting the snack we are about to consume, to at the very least, provide some type of mouth heat.  Unfortunately, Jay’s Hot Fries do nothing of the sort; in fact, other than the slightly overwhelming aromatic presence of smoky, bright red paprika dusting the fries, all forms of seasoning are practically nonexistent.

The light, and crispy potato fries are satisfactory enough.  They are a tad more greasy than one would probably appreciate, and would surely benefit from the addition of a good dose of salt, but they kept our fingers and mouths busy until we could find something else to snack on.

Plain and simple, these are nothing to write home about.  In the mood for some crunchy, certainly not hot, practically flavorless fried potato sticks?  Then….wait, we didn’t think so.

As always we would love to hear what you think.  Let us know.

Discovered at Shell Gas Station;Westchester, Illinois

Jay’s Official Website

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