REVIEW: Sprecher – Beer Flavored Kettle Chips

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Sprecher - Beer Kettle Chips


Sprecher’s Beer flavored Kettle Chips are a uniquely weird combination of genuine beer notes, and everyone’s favorite sweet and salty bar snack – Beer Nuts!!  In other words, sweet, salty, earth, beer-y chips!

Initially, we struggled with the first few chips.  They perplexed us, and sort of tasted like funky, sweet old beer, with very strong notes of rich malt and yeast.  But, with each additional chip that we crunched the flavors began to evolve and mellow, and the combination actually worked very well, especially when combined with the ultra crispy kettle cooked potato chips!!  The chips themselves are on the smaller side, with a medium-thin cut, and a standard, extra crispy, kettle cook.

Overall, we were pleased with Sprecher’s chips.  They may not be the best beer flavored chips that we have ever tried, but they are a welcome addition.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at Hy-Vee; Madison, Wisconsin

Sprecher Official Website

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