BIJOU-REVIEW: De-lish-us – Baked Cheese Curls

Rating: ©©-1/2 chips  (tolerable)

De-lish-us - Baked Cheese CurlsPrior to stumbling upon these Baked Cheese Curls (along with a couple of their other corn based snacks), we had only known Wisconsin’s De-lish-us Company for their lip-smacking potato chips.

As it turns out, De-lish-us Co. is probably more widely recognized for their corn based products.  In fact, their history page tells us that the company started everything with popcorn nearly 85 years ago.

All that being said, the entire time we were tasting these baked cheese curls we were unfortunately wishing we had stumbled on more delicious potato chips, and not these curls.

Initial bite, each and everyone of us thought that the curls had gone stale, and who knows, maybe they had…..but there was no indication that would make us think that they had.

Very dense, very crunchy, very stale-y.

After the initial, unpleasantly toothsome, bite, the curls did begin to do the usual cheese puff thing and melt on our tongues.  A touch too little, too late.

The curls’ flavoring is pretty cheesy, but also barring on being too salty.  Wait, nope, not barring on being, they are in fact too salty.

All in all, we weren’t very impressed with these De-lish-us Baked Cheese Curls.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at Pick’n Save; Madison, Wisconsin

De-lish-us Official Website

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