REVIEW: Kettle Brand – Korean Barbeque Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips  (lip-smacking) WOW! These are really, really deliciously funky and quite spicy!! We have not tasted very many Korean BBQ flavored chips. But, just one bite and we can tell you that these are LEAGUES above both Lay’s versions of Korean BBQ chips that we have tasted, and we weren’t even as unimpressed … Continue reading REVIEW: Kettle Brand – Korean Barbeque Potato Chips

REVIEW: Lay’s – Do Us a Flavor Finalist – Sriracha Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©-3/4 chips (notable) Comments: At long last, the finalists for Lay’s ‘Do Us a Flavor’ contest have finally arrived!!! To chip fanatics such as us it seems like forever ago that Lay’s first announced the chance at a million dollars for creating a new potato chip flavor for them. We know that you are … Continue reading REVIEW: Lay’s – Do Us a Flavor Finalist – Sriracha Potato Chips