REVIEW: Lesser Evil Chia Pop – Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper Popcorn

Rating: ©-3/4 chips  (return to sender)

Lesser Evil Chia Pop - Sea Salt and Cracked Pepper PopcornWe must hand it to Lesser Evil, they are really redefining the concept of healthy “junk food” snacks.  The variations, and combinations, that they are developing are unique and interesting; and for that we say bravo!  But, as with the majority of companies who attempt to create something original and delicious, they sometimes also produces some stinkers!

Similar to the same deception that Lesser Evil portrayed with their Chia Crisps, by naming this popcorn Chia Pop, many may assume that Chia seeds had been popped alongside their counterpart popcorn.  When in all actuality, Chia seeds (those trendy “super foods”) have been ground into a powder and dusted all over the popcorn like a seasoning.

Unfortunately, the result of grinding up Chia seeds, mixing their powder with some brown rice flour, and sprinkling it all of some popcorn is one of stinky arm pits!  That’s right, the funky aroma of sweat permeates from the bag as we crack it open!!  The popcorn’s initial taste is not that much better.  The heavy powder coating of Chia and brown rice delivers a tongue coating, chalky-grainy texture that sort of gums everything up in your mouth as you try to swallow everything.  The first flavor notes really reminded us of eating flour.  Sort of bland and bread-y, and not very appetizing.

However, we can say that once the initial Chia and rice flavors had passed we were able to taste some cracked black pepper, but not very much salt.  The pepper did exude a little bit of that spicy pepper kick after a few handfuls, but not really ever enough to distract us away from the funky smell and flavor of the Chia powder and brown rice flour coating!

Plain and simple, this is not one of our favorite popcorns.  Despite the bold, all capital lettered, declaration in the center of the bag, this popcorn is absolutely NOT necessary.  We’re going to stick with unhealthy popcorn that has not been coated with an unusually aromatic dusting of Chia powder!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at T.J.Maxx; Lincoln Park – Chicago, Illinois

Lesser Evil Official Website

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REVIEW: Brad’s Organic – Salsa Verde Tortilla Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

Brad's Organic - Salsa Verde Tortilla ChipsEach time we encounter a new salsa verde flavored chip we are faced with (or, more appropriately, the chips are faced with) the same old dilemma.  We inevitably compare them against the greatest salsa verde chips of all-time.  Not only did Doritos introduce us to salsa verde flavored chips, they knocked it so far out of the park that Doritos themselves has yet to introduce another flavor as good as their Salsa Verde!

First, before we get into any sort of review regarding these lip-smackingly delicious organic salsa verde tortilla chips, we feel that we should mention how ugly the packaging of these chips are!  Oh, but how can you say that?  Isn’t the baby’s photo cute? Sorry, yes, the little boy’s picture is cute and cuddly, but it does not belong on the front of a bag of chips!!  What is the connection here?!  We’re guessing that the little boy is Brad?  And, he has a line of organic food items that are his, and his face is on the front of the packaging (multiple times!).

Fortunately for all of us, Brad’s Organic Tortilla Chips themselves completely make up for his lack of creativity in packaging design!  These chips are superb!  Great rustic corn flavor, with a light as air, crispy crunch!  It is as if some one grabbed freshly pressed stone ground corn tortillas, toasted them lightly over a hot grill, dusted them with some great seasoning, and packaged them up for us to enjoy!  Some of the best tortilla chips we have had in a while.

Brad’s salsa verde seasoning recipe is a bit different than what we are used to.  Usually, salsa verde chips  include a heavy does of jalapeno, with a splash of some citrus and onions.  This recipe reminds us more of some zesty ranch chips than traditional salsa verde.  Very garlic forward, with a touch of creaminess and sweetness, and flavorful layers of green bell pepper, cilantro, tomato and onion.  Lastly, the chips are not short on salt, and we like it!

Do yourselves a huge favor and grab these chips if you ever happen to spot them!  Just close your eyes, disregard their packaging, and simply enjoy the riches inside the bag!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at Brookhaven Marketplace; Burr Ridge, IL

Brad’s Organic Official Website

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REVIEW: “Dirty” – Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

Dirty - Sour Cream & OnionWho likes their potato chips “dirty”?  Apparently, we do! We have to admit that the first handful of times we opened up a “Dirty” Potato Chips bag we envisioned reaching in and pulling out a potato chip seasoned with a liberal dusting of dirt!

Apparently, we are not the only ones who have wondered why these chips are called “Dirty”?  According to “Dirty’s” website: “The name “Dirty” comes from the process we used to prepare our chips. The potato slices are not washed, leaving more of the potato flavor….and they are crafted one batch at a time– it’s a difference our customers say they can taste in every bite.”  There you have it!  Does the decision to not wash off the natural potato starch after slicing the potatoes?  We’re not sure, but we can tell you that “Dirty” certainly makes a lip-smackingly respectable kettle cooked potato chip.

“Dirty’s” potato chips do exude some great potato flavor!  The potato chips themselves are curly and twisted into all types of shape.  The kettle cooked recipe uses peanut oil for frying, resulting in a, slightly greasy, mild oil flavor that doesn’t distract away from the potatoes themselves, or the seasoning blend.  The chips are medium cut, with a commendably sturdy bite to them.  Really good kettle chips.

“Dirty’s” sour cream and onion seasoning is all at once smooth, simple, concise, clean and correct!  The potato chips provide the perfect canvas to display this very complimentary seasoning.  This recipe of sour cream and onion is light on the cream, and onion.  The pungently sweet onion does linger for a while, while the light and tangy sour cream adds a nice bite.

Plain and simple, these “Dirty’s” are a lip-smacking rendition of sour cream & onion flavored kettle cooked potato chips!!!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at a gas station; Kimball, MN

“Dirty” Potato Chips Official Website

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