REVIEW: Simply 7 – Cheddar Quinoa Chips

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Simply 7 - Cheddar Quinoa ChipsSimply 7 “simply” will not be satisfied until they have determined how to make chips out of everything that is good for us.  It won’t be long before we are enjoying Brussels sprout chips, or Omega-3 loaded salmon chips, or maybe even chips made with water….(ice chips?!?).

Until that day comes, we will simply have to enjoy Simply 7’s Lentil Chips, Hummus Chips, Pomegranate Chips, and now Quinoa Chips!  Each of Simply 7′s different types of chips have their own distinct and unusual texture.  Whereas both the pomegranate and hummus chips have tiny ripples, and rough surfaces, the lentil chips are much more suave and silky to our tongue’s delight.  With the quinoa chips, Simply 7 has given us a little bit larger chip, with a slightly, airier, multi-grainy texture, kind of reminiscent of Sun Chips.  The chips are so light, that finishing an entire bag in one sitting (although, not recommended), is not very difficult!

Where these Cheddar Quinoa Chips really shine is with their delicious flavoring.  A rich and savory combination of garlic and cheddar cheese, really enhance the light and crispy quinoa chips.  The seasoning is not over the top, and in your face, rather it simply delivers on a real aged cheddar cheese essence!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips discovered at Whole Foods; Lexington, KY

Simply 7 Official Website

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REVIEW: Simply Sprouted Way Better Snacks – Oh, My Sweet Punkin Cranberry Tortilla Chips

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Way Better Snacks - Pumpkin Cranberry Tortilla ChipsBelieve it or not, these are not the first cranberry flavored chips that we have crossed paths with.  That being said, they most definitely are the best tasting ones!!  A deliciously sweet, and sour, and fruity, cranberry combination!

We just love it when we stumble upon one of those rare surprises that make us smile with enjoyment after just one chip!!  Not necessarily because we’ve just tasted the greatest chips, or even something revolutionary, but simply because when we weren’t really expecting to enjoy then, let alone like them very much!  A little special something, what more can we ask for?!?

Immediately upon crunching down on Way Better Snacks rustic tortilla chips, a bright, tangy-sour cranberry essence reveals itself.  The “punkin” aspect was definitely present in the orange hued color of the chips, along with providing a subtle, complimentary, background pumpkin essence.  To round it all out, the chips were salted very, very well!

Probably the most surprising aspect of these chips (even more unusual than the unique cranberry and pumpkin combo), was the fact that the chips were not very sweet at all.  We weren’t necessarily thinking that the chips were going to be so sweet to be called dessert chips, but we were thinking that they were going to have an underlying sweetness.  Great flavor.  The chips deliver on a fresh, cranberry, fruity essence.  In fact, there was so much fruity essence that we suspected that there may be other fruits involved, and wouldn’t you know it, one quick glance to the ingredients list showed that there was raspberries included in the recipe!  Definitely the first chips we’ve tried with raspberries among the ingredients.

As for the chips themselves, what the heck are sprouted grains?  According to Way Better Snacks website: “…seeds, grains and beans play an important role in a healthy diet, but their nutrients can be increased multifold through the process of germination. Germination releases enzymes specifically designed to start the seed on its way to becoming a plant, which in turn consolidate nutrients. Sprouted foods are high in fiber, helps neutralize and remove waste from the body, and some (like our Broccoli and Diakon Radish Seeds) even contain anticancer substances.”  Sounds good to us.

These multigrain tortilla chips are definitely some of the most uniquely textural chips we can think of, and we’ve encountered quite a few.  They remind us of some other chips with unique textures, such as Lundberg’s Mojave Jalapeno Multigrain Chips, Wild Riceworks Sea Salt and Black Sesame Gourmet Wildrice Crisps, and Real McCoy’s Sweet & Spicy Rice Chips. They have a great, seedy-rustic mouth-feel and crunch to them.  We love how we can see the seeds and grains scattered throughout the body of the chips, and we love the unique shape to these ones – it sort of reminds us of a swaying flag.

The chips are probably not for everyone, even among our group there were some detractors, but if you are looking for some fresh and original chips, then these would be for you!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips discovered at TJMaxx; Chicago, Illinois

Simply Sprouted Official Website

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REVIEW: Cofresh – Jalapeno Potato Grills

Rating: ©©©-1/4 chips  (notable)

Cofresh - Jalapeno Potato GrillsPotato grills?!?  Yes, potato grills!

A Potato Grill is =

a) A grill that is kept outside used only for cooking potatoes
b) A restaurant chain that focuses on all things potato
c) A crunchy, puffed, potato snack shaped like a radiator

If you said ‘C’, then you are correct (you didn’t cheat did you?)!  Despite their “puffed” sort of texture, the potato grills are not very similar to what we typically think of as puffed snacks, ie. corn puffs.  Where as everyone’s favorite puffed cheesy snacks are light, and melty, instead these potato grills are actually quite dense, a bit hefty or hearty, very crunchy, not crispy, and certainly did not melt in our mouths!  Their texture was unique and really unlike any other snacks that we have tried.  Pretty much all Chip Reviewers found the grills fun and easy to crunch on!

Cofresh Potato Grills, according to their own packaging, are “Britain’s Favourite Indian Snacks!”  If any of you Brits out there can concur or deny this, feel free to chime in!  What we can chime in on is their flavor.  When we think of jalapeno we think fresh, vegetal pepper notes, and a good amount of heat!  Well, it appears that when Cofresh thinks about jalapeno they think about lots of onions, lots of salt, and only a little bit of heat!!  There is nothing particularly wrong with Cofresh’s seasoning recipe, it’s just not what we think of as jalapeno flavored anything.  Luckily, with the more potato grills that we devoured, the more the flavors developed, and we slowly began to taste a little more heat, and a little more chapping of our lips.  Holy, these grills are salty!

In the end, if you are looking for a snack with an unusual texture and shape, but don’t care if they taste like what they claim to taste like, then give the grills a try.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at Brookhaven Marketplace; Burr Ridge, Illinois

Cofresh Official Website

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