BIJOU-REVIEW: GimMe Chips – Wasabi Seaweed Rice Chips

Rating©©-3/4 chips  (tolerable)

Gimme Chips - WasabiIf you are looking for a more detailed description of who and what GimMe Chips are, then please see our original review of their Teriyaki flavored chips located right over here.

However, if you are simply looking for the quick and simple low down on these wasabi flavored seaweed rice chips, please continue reading.

Wasabi + seaweed + rice = winning flavor combination for a very long time.

However (you knew there was going to be a however), GimMe Chips wasabi flavored seaweed rice chips somehow in our opinion do not knock this one out of the park.

Plain and simple, the seaweed flavor is too prominent for our paletes, and dominates the usually powerful wasabi flavor.

It’s not that we don’t taste any wasabi, because we do; and it tastes like the same old burning nasal punch as it always does.  However, despite wasabi’s undeniably powerful presence, somehow the seaweed still steals the show (and like we’ve said before, we don’t love licking the bottom of the ocean!).

The chips themselves had a strong, hearty crunch, with a grainy mouth texture.

So, if you are a big fan of that seaweed ocean flavor, and you also like getting your sushi maki on, then you may very well like these chips and we suggest you give them a try for yourselves.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review from Gimme Chips for review.

Gimme Chips Official Website

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RATING: Lesser Evil Super 4 Snacks – Nacho Cheese Baked Bean Bites

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Lesser Evil Super 4 - Nacho Cheese

Kids will gobble these up!  And they have to be a healthier option than other crunchy / salty snacks on the market right?

Bites provided to Chip Review by Lesser Evil for review

Lesser Evil Official Website

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REVIEW: GimMe Chips – Teriyaki Seaweed Rice Chips

Rating©©-3/4 chips  (tolerable)

Gimme Chips - Teriyaki Seaweed Rice ChipsAccording to the back of the bag to your left, GimMe Chips got their name for two reasons: 1) Gim is Korean for seaweed, and Korea is where GimMe Chips grows their seaweed.  Well, that makes perfect sense!  And, 2) GimMe Chips are so crunchelicious, everyone wants more!  Ummm, well, we may not necessarily entirely agree with reason #2.

So that’s right, we got roped into trying some more SEAWEED chips!! We were convinced by the unique flavor – TERIYAKI (don’t see that flavor every day!), and by the inclusion of rice in the chip base (meaning that there couldn’t possibly be enough actual seaweed used in the recipe to really taste that unmistakable ocean flavor, could there?!).

The answer to that question is: YES, there could be!  Once again the unmistakably prominent “ocean” flavor is front and center.  There is no denying that these are seaweed chips, and they do in fact taste like seaweed.  That being said, we found that if you get on a good crunching role, and just keep popping these into your mouth without breathing very much, than you can actually bypass much of that seaweed flavor; but, do note that the moment you pause for some air that unique ocean floor aftertaste creeps up the back of your palette, and gives you no choice but to think about it! If you like that flavor than these may be for you! We, on the other hand do not.

The rice and seaweed chip texture is pretty good. The chips are classic triangular cut, with a rough, dense crunch, and a grainy mouth texture. Let’s just put it this way, their texture sure seems healthy!!

Probably the best part of the chips was the Teriyaki seasoning. That classic flavor combination of tamari (sweet soy sauce), garlic, and onion is a proven winner, and it actually translates pretty well to chips! Certainly on the sweeter side of seasonings, but then again teriyaki means something like glazed – so sugar coated sounds about right.  Teriyaki is certainly not a popular snack flavor.  In fact, according to our Teriyaki flavor database, we have only tried one other Teriyaki flavored chip over the years.  We are thinking that more brands should give this flavor a shot!

In the end, we just haven’t connected, or been sold, on the seaweed chips yet.  Maybe the “ones” are still out there, but we’re not getting our hopes up!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review from Gimme Chips for review.

Gimme Chips Official Website

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REVIEW: Lesser Evil Super 4 Snacks – Kale & Roasted Garlic Baked Bean Bites

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Lesser Evil Super 4 - Roasted Garlic and Kale Bean Bites Crunchier than a traditional snack bite!  More energy for the journey home!  Able to taste better because they are made better!  That’s right…..It’s Super 4!!!

We have to say it again, we weren’t really expecting very much from these Super 4s.  Honestly, we were anticipating mediocre to pleasantly tolerable 4’s at best.  Low and behold the “heavenly perfect crunchy baked bean bites” turned out to be a wonderfully tasty, unforeseen snack to us.  Look at them, they have the Super 4 combo of white beans, quinoa, lentils and chia, and they still taste good!  Come on, sort of sounds like something your vegan friend whipped up for you doesn’t it? Luckily for all of us, Lesser Evil happens to be a much better cook than that crunchy friend of ours!

The bites are sort of shaped like Combos that got into a fight with the super grains gang, and lost all of their fake cheese filling.  And, like smaller, crispy, baked rigatoni pastas.  The tubular bites are super crunchy, and addictively easy to snack through by the handful.  Our only real gripe with them is their lack of fat content.  We were missing some of that rich and satisfying mouth appeal that only fat can provide, and most likely the reason why we do not review vegetables.

The kale and roasted garlic seasoning blend can only be described as surprisingly tasty.  First and predominantly foremost is the slightly sweet roast garlic flavor.  Everything else simply supports this powerhouse flavor.  The seasoning powder evenly scattered across the bites does encompass a green hue, and believe it or not, we could actually taste some of the vegetal kale flavor.  How this seasoning is so flavorful is beyond us because it has fewer ingredients than many plain tortilla chips!

Lesser Evil really has given us a super, modern and fun snack alternative for anyone who’s looking for a great tasting crunchy bite that still tastes like you are enjoying something naughty, but at the same time also has a lot of healthy to it.  There’s no better way to describe them than Lesser Evil!!  Keep pushing those snack boundaries!  Bring on the next snack!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Bites provided to Chip Review by Lesser Evil for review

Lesser Evil Official Website

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REVIEW: Lesser Evil Super 4 Snacks – Roasted Red Pepper Baked Bean Bites

Rating: ©©©-3/4 chips  (notable)

Lesser Evil Super 4 - Roasted Red Pepper Bean Bites Crunchier than a traditional snack bite!  More roasted than a red pepper!  Able to fill you with loads of all natural healthy foods, and still taste like a snack…..It’s Super 4!!!

We have to say it, we weren’t really expecting very much from these Super 4s.  Low and behold they turned out to be a wonderfully tasty, unforeseen surprise to us.  Look at them, they have the Super 4 combo of white beans, quinoa, lentils and chia in them.  Come on, sort of sounds like something your vegan friend whipped up for you doesn’t it? Luckily for all of us, Lesser Evil is a much better cook than that crunchy friend of ours!

The “heavenly perfect crunchy baked bean bites” are sort of shaped like Combos that have lost their filling, or like smaller, crispy, rigatoni pastas.  The tubular bites are super crunchy, and addictively easy to crunch through by the handful.  Our only real gripe with the bites themselves is their lack of fat content is a bit apparent.  We were missing some of that rich and satisfying mouth appeal that only fat can provide.

The roasted red pepper seasoning blend reminded us an awful lot of bbq flavoring.  Based on a handful of the ingredients – tomato powder, cane juice, onion powder and paprika – the correlation wasn’t that big of a stretch.  While we couldn’t really decipher any red pepper flavor, the overall profile was definitely fresh and vegetal.

A super, modern and fun snack alternative for anyone who’s looking for a great tasting snack, that still tastes like you are enjoying something naughty, but also has a lot of healthy to it.  In other words, Lesser Evil!!  Although in the end we may have more respect and admiration for what Lesser Evil has executed than actual infatuation with what we tasted, we can’t help but dispense praise for their strive to push the snack boundaries!  Bring on the next snack!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Bites provided to Chip Review by Lesser Evil for review

Lesser Evil Official Website

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Chip Review’s 25 Chips to Christmas…


Simply 7 – Jalapeno Lentil Chips

Simply 7 - Jalapeno Lentil Chips

Original Review Here

Honestly, we can admit it, on the surface these chips do not sound extremely intriguing or appetizing.  However, as the very last flavor we tasted from Simply 7, it was apparent from the get go that these were easily THE BEST!  The complex jalapeno seasoning blend, combined with Simply 7’s uniquely simple lentil chip texture, created something far above all of their other Lentil Chips, Hummus Chips, and Pomegranate Chips that we reviewed this year!