REVIEW: Market Pantry – Pumpkin Shaped Cheesy Potato Puffs

Rating: ©©© chips  (notable)

Market Pantry - Pumpkin Shaped Potato Puffs


Just in time for everyone’s favorite spooky holiday parties, Market Pantry has released the ultimate Halloween crunchy-salty snack!

First off, Pumpkin Shaped?  And, low and behold these did not disappoint!  Their shape, and color, were undeniably reminiscent of a pumpkin.  Only, kinda-sorta like a hollow pumpkin ring!  Which can of course mean only one thing, that’s right, we tried on each and everyone of our pumpkin potato puffs before popping their little pumpkin shapes into our mouths!

Secondly, Cheesy POTATO Puffs?!?  Key word combo here is of course Potato + Puff!!  Not to be confused with the more commonly traditional corn puffs.  So, what exactly is a potato puff?  We hear puffs, and we of course automatically think light, fluffy, crispy, melt-in-our-mouths corn puffs… Well, apparently, pumpkin shaped potato puffs are nothing like that!  They are basically the opposite!  Dense, hefty, very crunchy, potato rings, that most certainly do not melt in our mouths!  In other words, we are not huge fans of the potato puff.  The potato puffs sort of remind us of popped potato crisps.  The bright orange cheese powder that coats each pumpkin shape is ultra salty, and only relatively cheesy!  Although, a bit tasty, certainly not the best flavor combination.

We get it, these are creative, and crunchy, and an especially great treat for Halloween.  We are even contemplating handing these out (combined with Paqui’s Haunted Chips) to all of the kiddos who stop on by Chip Review headquarters during their trick or treat adventures!

Happy Halloween to all!!!!!

For another perspective on these make sure to check out Junk Food Guy’s opinion.  Funny thing is, that is sort of what we think about them overall as well.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

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REVIEW: Pringles – Pumpkin Pie Spice

Rating: ©©© chips  (notable)


Pringles has officially gone bonkers with the Limited Edition test flavors as of late……and these latest, Pumpkin Pie Spice, are landing just in time for the Holidays (rumor has it, they also have Cinnamon & Sugar and White Chocolate Peppermint as well).

So, do we love them, or hate them???  For us here at Chip Review, the jury is split right down the middle!

Half of us thought they were uniquely delicious.  We loved the fact that although the flavor of these crisps were a sweet Pumpkin and Spice, there was still a nice presence of salt to remind us that they were in fact crisps.  For some, the juxtaposition just WORKED.  Also, some felt that the Pringles potato crisps’ consistency mimicked that of a crunchy pumpkin pie crust.  Those who loved the flavor combo, really loved it!

Half of us thought these were a complete clash of flavors.  We just could not get behind the combination of potato crisps with the pumpkin pie spices.  Something just did not jive.  It also really bugged us that there was no mention of actual pumpkin, or any of the traditional spices (nutmeg, cinnamon…), anywhere among the ingredients list.

To each their own.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

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REVIEW: Laurel Hill – Pumpkin Seed Tortilla Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/4 chips  (lip-smacking)


Similar to our great appreciation for Food Should Taste Good’s (FSTG) Chocolate Tortilla Chips, these Pumpkin Seed Tortilla Chips from Laurel Hill are wonderful and boundary pushing.  Here at Chip Review we can’t emphasize it enough that we believe it is essential to the industry that chip brands go outside their normal comfort zones and try their hands at completely new and original flavors and types of chips!

Once again, similar to FSTG’s Chocolate Tortilla Chips, we have a much greater appreciation for the concept and execution of these chips than the actual flavor.  At first taste, our mouths were a little perplexed, and really didn’t know what to tell our brains.  But, after just a few seconds we began to appreciate the super salty and nutty chips.

Laurel Hill’s rustic whole grain tortilla chips are rectangular in shape with a deep tan color (reminiscent of the Fall), and cross sections of pumpkin seeds scattered throughout the chips.  The chips really permeate strong pumpkin flavor, which is even further emphasized by the usage of those common spices used with pumpkin – nutmeg and cinnamon.  Just for a second our noses told us we should be tasting something sweet, but as soon as our tongues touched the surface of the chips, the good amount of salt slapped us back into reality, and we realized that these chips are definitely more savory than sweet.

These chips would make for a great conversation starter at a party this Fall.  If you see these chips on your local shelves give them a shot and go outside your normal comfort levels as well!  We promise, you won’t be sorry.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Laurel Hill for review

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