REVIEW: Barcel Takis – Xplosion (cheese and chilli pepper)

Rating: ©©©©-3/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

Takis - XplosionWow!  Maybe that is all we should say?!  Just leave it at that!  Boom! Wow! Xplosion!  Drop the bag, stop our chomping, and walk away!!

Truthfully, we never thought the day would come when we would actually be flabbergasted, and head-over-heals excited about a Takis product of any flavor, shape or type!  Well, that day has passed, and along came a giant new flavor XPLOSION, and we probably don’t have enough good adjectives to accurately explain our enthusiasm for Takis’ deliciously new cheese and chilli pepper rolled tortilla chips!

A little back story may be necessary to properly set up why these particular Takis are so fantastic:

The Barcel Chip Company does a few different styles of snacks, but we’re fairly certain that their Takis line is their number one seller.  Takis are a riff on the uber popular gas station delicacy, the taquito.  For those of you completely oblivious to gas station food, or Mexican cuisine (flautas), taquitos typically consist of corn tortillas filled with meat/cheese, rolled into cylinder shapes and then deep fried (delicious sounding, we know).  Barcel’s Takis are a crunchy snack variation of this item that is filled with anything, but they are corn tortilla chips that have been rolled tight, deep fried and then seasoned for our tasting pleasure.

However, where this taquitos inspired style of chip ROLLS us very wrong, is in the shape and texture!  We do not love the shape, crunch or consistency of the tightly rolled tortilla chips.  We miss our tortilla chip sides that we can run our tongues across, and lick the seasoning.  The Takis don’t have much licking surface at all (we prefer our chips to have two sides – twice the seasoning coverage!).  The crunch and consistency of the Taki much more heavy and dense than traditional tortilla chips.  By rolling the tortilla chips into little taquito shapes, layers are created, and these layers result in a lot more heavy, jaw workout, crunching.  Some people love this, but overall, we do not!  We prefer a lighter and crispier crunch and consistency.  Which is part of why we love these, please continue.

Wow!  We may already have mentioned that above, but in case we didn’t, we thought we had better let you know.  Takis’ cheese and chilli pepper combo is a tangy, funky, zippy, cheesy, and spicy flavor XPLOSION!  The flavor combo is somehow unlike anything we have ever tasted.  Seriously, the chilli & cheese seasoning has a deliciously funky cheese flavor to it!  Almost like an aged, stinky cheese?!  Then there is this sour layer of flavor that sort of tastes like lime, but is more likely just a combo of the cheese, whey, citric acid and and potassium chloride.  It is unusual, and we could see some people possibly not liking it, but to us it was magic!  Finally, at the tail end was the heat.  We did not think that there was much at first, but then the hot chilli pepper resin (that’s what the ingredient list calls it?), appears and does its job well.  We would rename the flavor to funky lime and chile cheese!

But Chip Review, what makes the texture of these rolled tortilla Takis any different than all of the others?  Because, as you have so thoroughly explained above, your main issue with these chips are their texture and design, and these appear to inhabit the same basic formation.

We don’t exactly know what to say, or how to explain it, but the texture of these Takis definitely delivers a softer crunch than any others we have tasted.  Could it be the addition of cheese?  It seems as though the enzymes from the cheese cultures have actually broken down the corn tortilla proteins, in turn removing much of the hard and dense crunch that we complain about with the Takis rolled tortilla chips!  And, if you believe any of that, than we also have a bag of chips made of gold that we would like to sell you.  And we should probably mention that we have absolutely no clue if anything we just said actually makes sense from a technical standpoint?!  But, whatever it may be, we don’t really care because these are practically perfect!

Once again, we never thought that we would actually say this, but these are amazing!  Thank you Takis for making us believers!  The Takis Xplosion have placed themselves at the top of our taquito-style snack list, easily surpassing Doritos Dinamita – Fiery Habanero, and quite possibly positioning themselves to be included on our end of the year top 25 list!!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Takis discovered at Walmart; Countryside, Illinois

Barcel Official Website

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REVIEW: Chip City – Jalapeño Cheese Puffed Rings

Rating: ©©©-1/2 chips  (Notable)

Chip City - Jalapeno Cheese Puffed RingsWe discovered these “Locally Made” Chip City Jalapeno Cheese Puffed Rings while we were actually in Motor City (which is Detroit, for anyone out there who does not know that). However, this mystical Chip City sounds like just the type of place we would really like to visit!  And, what is with ‘Locally Made’?  This bag has Frito Lay written all over it?!

First things first, when we see ring shaped snacks, especially one that consists of puffed corn, we always expect them to be onion flavored.  In this case, Chip City’s puffed rings are not onion flavored at all….  So, why?  What is the point of these jalapeno cheese corn puffs being of the circular shape?  To be completely honest, we were sort of let down by the fact that these weren’t onion ring flavored.

Chip City’s puffed rings are a lot more puffy or fluffy, light, and airy, than everyone’s favorite onion ring snack – Funyuns.  Definitely more like corn puffs in texture (with a good meltability), than the traditional onion ring snacks.  Their texture made it very easy to take down the entire bag in one five minute sitting.

The jalapeno cheese seasoning wasn’t too shabby.  Decent level of jalapeno heat, even a little harsh in the backs of our throats.  Not much for authentic fresh, vegetal jalapeno flavor, but we weren’t expecting much.  The cheddar cheese seasoning did its salty job.  Some Chip Reviewers were rather pleased by these, while others could take or leave them.  In the end we simply liked that we were supporting the Motor City’s ‘Locally Made’ snack scene….or…..who are we kidding – Frito Lay’s giant bank account (like they don’t already have enough of our money)!

Discovered at BP Gas Station; Detroit, Michigan

Frito Lay’s Official Webite

Chip Ratings Scale:

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REVIEW: Fire Corn – Jalapeño Popcorn

**Updated 3/8/2015

Rating: ©©©©© chips  (“A” list)

Fire Corn - Jalapeno PopcornWe have been going back and forth, and forth and back, for days now on whether or not Fire Corn was deserved of our coveted 5-chip “A” list rating.  One day we’d be pretty sure that this was the best popcorn we had ever tasted, the next day we weren’t as impressed, and in the end we just could not had to change to an “A” list rating.  We ended on the perfect bite!  A 5-chip rating exemplifies perfection in our opinion, and no matter how close a salty snack may actually get to that marker, it will not be allotted it unless we are 100% certain that it fully deserves it…and upon further examination, and deliberation, we are sure that Fire Corn is “A” list!

Fire Corn is easily the best popcorn that we have tried this year, and in fact among the best popcorn we have ever tried period!  Greg “B.A.” Anders Fire Corn (Real Jalapeno Popcorn) is a what we would like to refer to as a true artisan product.  What elevates this popcorn to that amazing handcrafted level is the use of only a few simple ingredients, executed tremendously, and frankly the amazing decision to combine real jalapeno slices and popcorn!

We love this sort of thing, and thought we should share with you a little bit of Greg “B.A.” Anders Fire Corn Story:

Being a fighter pilot takes extreme focus and discipline. Hours are spent studying execution and strategy. On every flight, a pilot pushes himself and his aircraft to the very limits.  One of the great traditions of fighter pilots is gathering after training flights to unwind and debrief over brews and jalapeño popcorn called Fire Corn. It’s a spicy mix of fiery popcorn and real jalapeño slices that are slow-fired to a satisfying crisp.  As a Lt-Colonel retired from the Air Force, it’s a tradition I’ve enjoyed for years. And now it’s a tradition I want to share with you.  We hand-craft Fire Corn in small batches that stay true to the fighter pilot original recipe: jalepeños, popcorn and a dash of salt. Just three ingredients mixed to a spicy perfection. Have it for the game, BBQs, or wherever good times await…

Is Greg for real?  We’re guessing that you just can’t make this stuff up, but seriously, this sort of story is hard to believe, and seems too good to be real!  Then again, this delicious popcorn tradition had to spawn from somewhere, and who better to create such a strategically delicious and daring combination than fighter pilots!

Fire Corn’s Real Jalapeno Popcorn delivers that small batch , deliciously rustic, slightly oil laden scent and flavor, with the perfect touch of salt – kind of popcorn.  Smaller, light and crispy, white, butterfly style popcorn with a fresh crunch.  You know what we are talking about?  That classic popcorn that dad, or grandpa, used to make at the hunting shack in the cast iron pot over the wood burning fireplace!  Old-school!  Only, dad never used to add real slices of jalapeno to spice up the mix!!

Although the bag of popcorn did not include too many slices of the crispy jalapeno “chips”, maybe a little more than a dozen, the amount did more than its job to add a good level of heat, flavor, and textural difference to the popcorn.  The jalapeno chips reminded us a lot of Deano’s Jalapenos, and we’re not sure if the slices of jalapeno are added to the oil with the popcorn, and cooked at the same time, or if they are crisped up on their own, and added afterwards (we suspect afterwards)?  In our opinion it seems like the jalapeno pieces are slightly overcooked, but that is just a personal preference.  The slices deliver a smoky, burnt chile flavor; masking some of the fresh and raw jalapeno flavors, but at the same time complimenting them.  Also, we should probably point out that the jalapeno slices, on their own, are quite spicy!  They will put a hurt on your mouth!  What we really loved about the jalapeno chips were the way that many of them had broken into little pieces, or even powder like, and gradually seasoned the popcorn with just the right amount of flavor and heat.  We loved those perfect blissful handfuls of just the right ratio of jalapeno and popcorn!  “A” list perfect!!

Can we also just point out the packaging for one second.  Although being on the smaller side, as most high quality artisan products usually seem to be, we simply like the glossy, bold, black, streamlined packaging.  It is very eye catching!

In the end, Fire Corn is a truly amazing product that we are very happy to have tasted, and probably better for having done so!  We suggest anyone who loves popcorn, or jalapenos, or spicy snacks, or all three of those things, go out there and find this stuff!  And, we don’t want to reveal too much, but Fire Corn also has a white cheddar variation of their jalapeno popcorn, and it may just be even better than the original!  We will confirm this with you later!  In the meantime, why not take a look at Chip Review’s Top 5 Popcorn of All-Time and see who made the cut!

P.S. – on a side note, what do we think the “B.A.” abbreviation portion of Greg Anders name stands for…?  We have a guess or two, but we’re not really sure.  Should we know?  Greg, are you out there, might you tell us?!  Can you even tell us?

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Popcorn provided to Chip Review by Fire Corn Popcorn for review

Fire Corn Popcorn Official Website

Chip Ratings Scale:

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REVIEW: Late July – Nacho Chipotle Clasico Tortilla Chips

Rating: ©©© chips  (notable)

Late July - Nacho ChipotleSo, we ask you, who’s chipotle is it exactly if it is not yours?  Nacho, get it? As in nacho = not your!  Nacho Chipotle!!  Please continue reading, once you have fully composed yourself!  And please note that if you do buy a bag of these chips that they are in fact yours, and you may enjoy them at your own leisure.

A few weeks ago we reviewed Late July’s new Bacon Habanero Tortilla Chips (another flavor from the trio of Taco Truck Inspired tortilla chips from Late July, leaving only Jalapeno Lime left for us to review).  Overall, we thought the Bacon Habanero chips were lip-smacking, and definitely permeating profusely with a pronounced porky presence, but they were also lacking a bit in any true habanero chile presence! (Remember that statement, because apparently it is a trend among the taco truck inspired tortilla chips).

Last year Doritos released their own  JACKED Spicy Street Taco (the eventual winners of the Bold Test Flavor Experience), and we must say that we quite like this trend of tasty taco inspired flavors!  We can only hope that more brands hop on the taco-band(truck)wagon, and we start seeing some flavors like flame grilled skirt steak with chimichurri, or crispy sriracha-lime shrimp!

First, the good.  Late July’s Clasico Tortilla Chips are really fantastic.  Light and crispy, not crunchy, with those lovely little air pockets that give our favorite style of crispy tortilla chips their delicately delicious texture!  Tons of deep corn masa flavor.  These tortilla chips could easily be mistaken texturally for a Doritos tortilla chip in a blind crunch test.  Which is no small feat.  We feel like most other tortilla chip brands steer very clear of that comparison because nobody likes to challenge the big boys, but Late July shows no fear, and creates a very similar light and crispy chip.  The nacho chipotle seasoning itself has a tasty, albeit very subtle, salty cheese seasoning.  We tasted a couple of those other typical nacho flavors like garlic and onion, but beyond that, this seasoning was simply dull!

Alright, now onto the brass tacks, these chips suffer from what we, and we’re guessing our little friend Ms. McStuffins, would call lack-o-spice-atosis!  Maybe Late July is trying to give us much lighter seasoned chip, to keep those sodium levels down, or let the tortilla chips themselves shine.  But, needless to say we were, we are, expecting a lot more flavor with a name like Nacho Chipotle!  We want our tongues to dance and tingle when they lick the chips!  While we can appreciate the health conscientious seasoning gesture, but this is 2015, and we want our seasoned chips to be seasoned heavily!  Of course sometimes a subtle seasoning is suffice, or even preferred, but when we read a flavor name such as Nacho Chipotle we expect all sorts of seasoning!

To top it all off, the seasoning has absolutely no heat!  None.  Seriously!  Wait……  There it is…… No, wait is that it?!  Yep, we’re guessing that the itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie tickle in the backs of our throats is what Late July is offering up for any real chipotle chile heat on these chips.  In fact, the ingredient list on the back of the bag confirms our assumption, and assertion, as chipotle is the very last ingredient on the list.  We couldn’t even identify any of the obligatory smokiness that confirms we were eating chipotle.

So, overall we were not thrilled with these chips.  We love the tortilla chips themselves, but the seasoning was much too mild for our taste buds.  We will be sticking with the Bacon Habanero chips, that is unless the Jalapeno Lime chips really surprise us!!  We shall see!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips discovered at Whole Foods; River Forest, Illinois

Late July Organic Snacks Official Website

Chip Ratings Scale:

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REVIEW: Cape Cod – Kettle Cooked Waffle Cut – Barbeque Ranch

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips  (lip-smacking)

Cape Cod - BBQ RanchAlright, we’ve been rethinking things a little bit around here regarding waffle cut potato chips.  Up until now most of us at Chip Review have always been an adversary of the uniquely cut chips; more specifically a kettle cooked waffle cut chip.  We’ve said:

“...too much fryable surface area – we get the idea, it’s new, it’s different – and, we appreciate the effort, but give us some crinkle cut any day!  The potato chips’ aerated waffle texture adds a weird kettle cooked super-crunch that is somehow not too dense, and not too hard…

“They are unique, that is certain, and we appreciate that.  However, they feel more like a challenge for our mouths, than something to sit back and enjoy!  The double sliced, criss-cross technique results in more fry-able potato chip surface area, producing an extremely crunchy potato chip.  Imagine thick cut kettle chips gone wild!  We like our teeth, we need our teeth!  If you love crunchy chips, then these may be right up your alley.”

BUT!  As we look back through all of our ratings and reviews for Waffle or Lattice Cut style potato chips, we’ve noticed that the majority of the chips have very good ratings.  Are we waffle cut closet people?!  Maybe we are!  Maybe… that additional surface area that we do not enjoy due to super-crunch, also provides more area for seasoning adhesion – which we love?  We’re guessing, in the end, we are going to have to accept our love-hate relationship with these waffle cut chips.

Barbeque and Ranch.  Do you see that?  Barbeque and ranch together in one bag of chips!  Believe it or not, this combination is extremely rare.  In fact, we could only find one example of ever trying it before, and just like with these chips, we thought they were lip-smacking!  First thing that comes to mind to describe the bbq ranch flavor combo would be TANGY.  Tangy ranch sour cream notes mixed with tangy-sweet tomato and vinegar flavors.  Tangy, tangy, tangy, and delicious!!  The ranch flavor half is what pops off first.  A touch of creamy sour cream, with a dash of those supporting flavors of garlic, onion, red bell pepper, and black pepper.  We really, really love the tangy tartness of this seasoning; which appears to be the result of a combination of sour cream, lactic acid, citric acid and apple cider vinegar.  That’s a whole lot of tangy tongue tingling, if you ask us!  The barbeque seasoning is there too, but does definitely play second fiddle to the ranch.  A sweet and smoky pairing, rests in the background and supports the ranch notes perfectly!!

Plain and simple, the bbq ranch chips taste like both flavors, and the combination of both.  It works!!  It works so well that we think more brands should give it a whirl!  We can hope.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at Jewell Osco; Westchester, Illinois

Cape Cod Official Website

Chip Ratings Scale:

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REVIEW: Ocean’s Halo The Seaweed Chip – Texas BBQ

Rating©©© chips  (notable)

Ocean's Halo - Texas BBQYep, that’s right, we’ve decided to jump in and ‘swim against the tide’ again.  We are all about second chances, and figured what do we have to lose by giving Ocean’s Halo newer Texas BBQ flavor a try!  A while back we tasted and reviewed their Korean BBQ flavored chips and well, to put it lightly, we did not love them.

Once again the “fishy” flavor, or more accurately speaking, flavor of the ocean is prominent and unmistakable.  These are seaweed chips, and they taste like seaweed.  So, ask yourself: do you crave or enjoy those flavors of the ocean floor?  If your answer is ‘no’ then these chips may not be for you; but, that being said, even we, who don’t necessarily love those ocean flavors, liked these chips much more than the Korean BBQ ones.

Who would have known that Texas BBQ would mingle more naturally with seaweed than Korean BBQ?!  But, for one reason or another, the potently smoky, smooth tomato, and dash of heat flavor notes compliment the dark-blue-black, hard crisped seaweed chips.  The Ocean’s Halo Texas BBQ seasoning is very savory, and balanced with garlic, smoke, tomato and chile.  We quite enjoyed the seasoning.  Once again, it is a bit difficult to try and taste past the natural seaweed flavor of these chips, but overall everything just worked better this time!

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, we appreciate brands that try to push the limits.  Brands that give us a healthier snacking alternative, and try very hard to deliver great taste.  As far as we know, these are one of a kind!  And delivering a completely unique chip on the market these days is an impressive feat.  They obviously do use seaweed in their chips, and it is quite amazing just how much sea flavor the chips retain even after the cooking process.  And lastly, seaweed is a plentiful, healthy and underutilized, and we value Ocean’s Halo’s attempt to deliver it to us in a new medium.  Are the chips for everyone, certainly not.  But, we’re guessing that there are plenty of people out there who love them for different reasons, and we’d be willing to say that we love them for their ingenuity and uniqueness!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review from Ocean’s Halo for review.

Ocean’s Halo Official Website

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