REVIEW: Meijer – Grilled Pineapple and Jalapeño Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips  (lip-smacking)

Meijer - Grilled Pineapple and JalapenoYeah, yeah, yeah, we know.  We just keep on reviewing those “generic” brands that we continually tell you we don’t review.  Heck, it was only mere days ago that we reviewed Meijer’s Honey Butter flavored potato chips.  But, when these “generic” brands like 365, and in this case, Meijer, continue creating such deliciously unique flavors as Grilled Pineapple and Jalapeño, we cannot help ourselves, and nor should we, or you for that matter!  These flavors are just too outrageous to pass up.

First things first, these chips are certainly not for everyone.  If the sound of this flavor combination doesn’t automatically wet those taste buds, you should probably just leave them be.  However, if you are like us, and you can’t wait to try the next weird and wacky flavor (Kung Pao Chicken anyone?), then these may just be right up your alley, because they are quite tasty!

Who knew that grilled pineapple and jalapeño worked well together??  Well, apparently anyone who has enjoyed one of these pizzas.  Or, anyone who loves some good al pastor tacos with some spicy jalapeños in there, that’s who.  OOOooooh, and speaking of which, doesn’t that sound like a great chip flavor – Al Pastor??  That would probably work better with corn tortilla chips right?  Seeing as how tacos are made using corn tortillas……

Okay, focus, getting back on track.  This flavor combination plain old works, and it works well with crunchy kettle cooked potato chips .  Right off the bat we get those sweet, tropical, sort of sour, grilled (maybe?) pineapple flavors.  In a blind taste test we may not have actually been able to pinpoint that it was pineapple we were supposed to be tasting, but once our palettes were already primed, we got it right away.  On the tail end of the flavor came those spicy, vegetal-ly, jalapeño chili pepper notes that helped to cut some of the sweet, while still keeping the party rockin’!

You know what chips these remind us a lot of??  Hawaiian Chip Company’s Mango Habanero Kettle Chips.  Not quite that deliciously spicy, complex, or intriguing, but definitely similar in that they combined a great chili flavor, and some heat with a sweet, tropical fruit not typically paired with fried potato slices.

Meijer’s kettle cooked potato chips are everything we could hope they would be.  Medium-thick, a bit greasy and extra crunchy.  A perfectly sturdy medium for the bold seasoning.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips discovered at….where else – Meijer; Bolingbrook, Illinois

Meijer Official Website

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BIJOU-REVIEW: Lieber’s – Ripple Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Lieber's - Ripple Potato ChipsWhile not quite as lip-smackingly delicious surprise as their Barbecue flavored Potato Chips, Lieber’s Ripple Potato Chips are still a great find!

Once again, this bag only cost us a single measly Washington, aka $1, one smacker, one buckeroo.  A big bag of lip-smacking potato chips for only a dollar is steal of a deal anyway you say it!

Surprisingly decent level of rich potato flavor.

Just good old, slightly greasy, delightfully salty, rippled potato chips.

If you like potato chips, you will like these.

We just wish that every chip we found for $1 was this good!

Chips discovered at Mariano’s; Westchester, Illinois

Chip Ratings Scale:

(1/4 increments)

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BIJOU-REVIEW: Chef’s Shoppe – Jalapeño Ranch Cheese Popcorn

Rating: ©©©-1/2 chips  (notable)

Chef's Shoppe - Jalapeno Ranch PopcornThis is not Chef’s Shoppe’s best offering by a long shot….

Maybe they just set the bar too high with the likes of their amazing Sriracha, and Beer, and Bacon Cheddar flavored Popcorns.  Or, maybe we just scrutinize them too harshly??  Either way, this flavor doesn’t come close!

Too salty.  And we love salt.

Too cheesy.  What?  Too cheesy?  That’s right, in this case the cheese powder completely overwhelms the other flavors.

Ranch = creamy garlic.  That’s we really taste.  No tang, and certainly no mention of any herbal notes, like dill.

Wheres the jalapeño?  Sure, we feel that tickle in the backs of our throats, but we don’t really taste any of the actual vegetal chili flavor.

Of course the Chef’s Shoppe’s popcorn itself is top notch as usual, but all we were thinking the whole time we were eating this flavor was why we hadn’t just gotten bigger bags of those other great flavors mentioned above?!

Popcorn provided to Chip Review by J & V for review

Chef’s Shoppe Official Website

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BIJOU-REVIEW: El Sabroso – Spicy Chile & Lime Flavored Potato Chips or Papas Fritas Sabor a Chile Picante y Limón

Rating: ©©©©-1/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

El Sabroso - Spicy Chile & LimeEl Sabroso – Papas Fritas Sabor a Chile Picante y Limón

Translation: The Tasty – Spicy Chile & Lime Flavored Potato Chips

Quite frankly, that translation is spot on.  These are definitely some tasty chile and lime flavored potato chips.

These are not El Sabroso’s first attempt at the popular flavor combination of Chile y Limón, but we would say that they are their most delicious.

El Sabroso’s potato chips may actually be the most heavily seasoned chips that we have ever encountered.  They are loaded, practically caked, with a heavy dusting of ultra flavorful, bright red seasoning.

Extra tangy sour lime paired very nicely with a potently spicy red chile seasoning.

They are definitely fake-fake-fake….  There is no way anything natural in this world is this vividly red; but we can appreciate how they have committed themselves by providing the most boldly colored chips, with an equally tongue burning seasoning!

The chips themselves are no slouch either.  Medium, to medium-thin, potato chips, with an adequate potato flavor, and semi-crispy crunch.

These are our thoughts, agree or disagree, make sure to let us know!

Chips discovered at Shell Gas Station; Hillside, Illinois

El Sabroso Official Website

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BIJOU-REVIEW: Good Health Half Naked – Hint of Olive Oil Popcorn

Rating: ©©-1/4 chips (tolerable)

Good Health - Hint Of Olive Oil Half Naked PopcornWell, all we can really say about this popcorn is that it better bring us “good health” because it really doesn’t bring us “good flavor”.

The popcorn itself is alright.  The light and crispy, bright white, butterfly popcorn does its job of simply being popcorn.

But the Hint of Olive Oil, along with any substantial amount of salt, is really lacking.  Basically, we couldn’t taste much of anything.  This popcorn wasn’t really “half naked” so much as it was bare naked!

We can appreciate a low calorie snack from time to time, but we appreciate these snacks even more when they can still bring the flavor.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Popcorn discovered at Pete’s Fresh Market; Oakbrook, IL

Good Health Snacks Official Website

Chip Ratings Scale:

(1/4 increments)

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BIJOU-REVIEW: Go Lite! – Sweet Maui Onion Popped Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips  (lip-smacking)

Go Lite! - Sweet Maui Onion Popped ChipsWe’re going to be honest here, these Go Lite! chips surprised the heck out of us!!  Seriously, we did not expect to like them, let alone, love them as much as we do.

First of all, “Lite!” is definitely “Right!”  These chips are light as air.  Crispy, and yet delivering that rich, melt-y, mouth texture we love from great cheese puffs.

Only 100 calories, wow! Cassava – we a-love-ya!!

The Sweet Maui Onion seasoning not only compliments the popped Cassava chips flawlessly, but it also tingles the taste buds with an intriguingly sweet, and salty, and sort of sour onion essence.  The flavor is simple, and rich, and surprisingly, DELICIOUSLY LITE!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Herr’s Foods for review

Herr’s Foods Official Website

Chip Ratings Scale:

(1/4 increments)

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