REVIEW: Food Should Taste Good – Kettle Cooked Barbeque Sweet Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©-1/4 chips  (notable)


This brand of chips has the right idea “Food Should Taste Good”!  Does it in this case?  Yes, and no.  The quality of the product is great.  Nice even coat of seasoning on the medium thickness kettle cooked sweet potato chips.  Where the chip steers slightly wrong for Chip Review is the overwhelmingly sweet on sweet combination of molassesy barbeque flavoring paired with sweet potato chips.  Don’t get us wrong, we love good barbecue chips, and we love sweet potato chips, and we really love when brands are willing to push the boundaries and try new combinations (which Food Should Taste Good brand has accomplished very successfully with a few other flavors…reviews forthcoming), however, what we don’t love is this combination together.  If you are a fan of really sweet chips, maybe these are for you.

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Chip Review of the day…..

Doritos – Tangy Buffalo Wing

Rating: ©©©©-3/4 chips  (lip-smacking)


A very nice addition to Doritos never-ending library of chip flavors.  This flavor delivers on all facets of the name.  A very potent vinegary ‘tang’ (the kind that takes a bit of your breath away), followed by a nice buffalo wing spice to the throat.  With the help of Doritos ever-reliable delicate crunch tortilla chips, this bag securely places itself among Chip Review’s Top 5 Buffalo / Hot Wing Chips of all-time.  Too bad for most, because this flavor, as is the case with so many Doritos flavors, will most likely not stick around for long.  In fact, many of you might be wondering why you have never seen this flavor on your grocery and convenience store shelves…?  As far as Chip Review is aware, this flavor is exclusively available at Costco stores.  While it might be crazy for most to consider getting a membership to a store just for a bag of chips, in this case, these chips might just be worth it!

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