REVIEW: Kettle Brand – Spicy Thai Hand Cooked Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©©© chips  (“A” list)


One of the best chips ever created.  Period.  If you have never tasted these, you are doing yourself an injustice.

The first Thai flavored chip that Chip Review ever tasted…..and frankly, it might as well have been the last…..

Kettle Brand says it best: “The sweetness and snap of fresh ginger comes together with the red peppery heat of Thai spice to create a collision of East and West in the crunch of the world’s most worldly chip.”

Chip Review has a lot of respect for Kettle Brand Chips, as a company, and for the product they produce each and every day.

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REVIEW: Cheetos Horneados – Mani (Baked Cheetos – Peanut)

Rating: ©©©©-3/4 chips  (lip-smacking)


These unique peanut shaped, and flavored, Cheetos puff were discovered by Chip Review while spending some time in Viña del Mar, Chile.  That’s right folks, I said “peanut” flavored!  Mixed feelings about that statement?  We figured that would be the reaction this snack would garner….but….Chip Review is a huge fan.  A huge, huge fan!!  Enough said.  Visit Chile, go to the grocery store, buy a bag of Peanut Cheetos Puffs and thank us later.

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REVIEW: Herr’s – Fire Roasted Sweet Corn Potato Chips

Rating: © chips  (return to sender)


Nope, your eyes aren’t fooling you, these chips are in fact fire roasted sweet corn flavored potato chips.  Unique flavor combination?  Yes.  First of its kind?  We believe so.  In the end, was this a good idea?  Most certainly not!  Chip Review had to dig deep into our archives to see if we’ve ever had another chip as unappetizing as these were to our palates.  Turns out, we couldn’t find a single one that compared to these.  In other words, that makes these, Chip Review’s numero uno, on our Top 5 Worst Chips Ever, and at the top of our ‘return to sender’ list!

These chips can only be described as encompassing an extremely overwhelming artificial butter flavor combined with lots of creamed sweet corn.  This synthetic flavoring alone was enough to turn us off, but combine this with the juxtaposition of a potato chip, and the combination is nearly abominable.  Herr’s company has done us no favors here.  We always appreciate when a company is willing to push the boundaries, but sometimes they just go too far, or it just doesn’t pan out.

All that being said, Chip Review does believe each chip deserves a fair assessment, so we ask you to give these a shot for yourself, and let us know what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

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Top 5 – Buffalo / Hot Wing Flavored Chips

Chip Review’s Top 5 Buffalo / Hot Wing Chips:

**Update (06/12/2012)

1. Kettle Brand – Buffalo Bleu Cheese

2. Doritos – Tangy Buffalo Wing

3. Pretzel Crisps – Buffalo Wing Deli Style**

4. Dutch Crunch – Hot Buffalo Wing now with Bleu Cheese

5. Blair’s Death Rain – Buffalo Wing

Make sure to tell us your favorite Buffalo / Hot Wing flavored chips below!!

REVIEW: Lay’s – Classic BLT

**Updated 06/14/2012

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)


New flavor alert!!!  New flavor alert!!!  These Classic BLT chips from Lay’s are the first of their flavor kind, at least as far as Chip Review knows (and we like to believe we know chips here).  Lay’s brand, or maybe we should refer to parent corporation Frito Lay in this case, should be applauded for their persistent output of new flavors.  For all of the bad media big companies like Frito Lay receive for monopolizing the market and using poorly sourced unpronounceable ingredients, they also keep us interested and on our toes.  Chip Review can barely keep up-to-date with which Doritos or Cheetos are currently available at your local store…we digress.

These chips do kind of taste like a combination of the BLT flavors.  Whether or not we can taste any lettuce flavor is debatable, but we definitely recognize a little smokey pork flavor, some subtle tomato powder sweetness and acidity, and most prominently noticeable is the sour cream seasoning  In Chip Review’s opinion, these may not be a BLT reincarnated into potato chips, but as far as regular Lay’s Potato Chips go, these are among their Top 5.

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REVIEW: Wild Riceworks – Sea Salt and Black Sesame Gourmet Wildrice Crisps

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips  (lip-smacking)


As far as Chip Review knows these all natural, whole grain, gluten free, fiberful, and “elegantly shaped” wild rice crisps are a one-of-a-kind in the chip world.  And in our realm, especially the rather limited rice chip one, we could always use more model chipizens such as these crisps!  Riceworks has given us a great tasting crisp (we honestly believe you can taste the wild rice in there), with an interesting shape, a wonderfully hearty crunch, and a delicate overall mouth-feel.  To top it off, Chip Review would like to applaud these crisps for not shying away from the salt factor.  That’s right, if you include ‘salt’ as part of the description of your flavor you better bring it – and they brought it!

Chip Ratings Scale:

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