REVIEW: 7 Select – Maple Bacon Potato Chips

Rating: ©-1/2 chips  (return to sender)

7 Select - Kettle Style Maple Bacon Potato ChipsMaple!


Maple Bacon!!

How can these chips possibly be bad?!?

Plain and simple, because they really are.  The only reason they even garner an additional half chip rating is for their respectably crunchy kettle cooked potato chips, their overly generous seasoning level, and for sort of tasting like maple bacon.  Beyond that, they are an abomination!

Have you ever heard the saying “too much of a good thing…”?  Well, too much of a bad thing, IS EVEN WORSE!  Too sticky, fake, maple sweet.  Too much unnatural smoke.  Too much salty, fatty, fake, whey, bacon flavor!  Too much, too much, too much!!

This is a textbook example of the difference between being letdown, and being really turned off!  Although, we did not love Kettle Brand’s Maple Bacon flavored potato chips, it was more due to their flavor execution actually tasting like maple bacon than it was the chips not tasting very good.  In this case, we simply cannot eat these chips.  They make us cringe just thinking about the overload of salt, and sugar, and whey tingling our tongues.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at 7-Eleven, Burr Ridge, Illinois

7-Eleven Official Website

Chip Ratings Scale:

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REVIEW: Jay’s – Bacon Cheddar Fries

Rating: ©©-3/4 chips  (tolerable)

Jay's - Bacon Cheddar Fries


Once again, Jay’s Fries are really, kinda, sorta, just meh….

Similar to their inaccurately named Hot Fries, Jay’s crispy potato sticks are once again rather short on flavor.  Short, that is except for, the unmistakable presence of smoky, fake-meat flavor presence.  The flavor isn’t necessarily inaccurate this time around, we actually can taste imagine that we are tasting some bacon and cheddar, just not a very good rendition of the combo.  The cheddar cheese aspect is bland and flavorless, mostly devoid of any good cheddar funk, or saltiness.

The light, and crispy potato fries are satisfactory enough, and definitely easy to crunch through; but, they are a tad greasy, resulting in  a slightly off-putting taste in our mouths.  The fries would surely benefit from the addition of a good dose of salt, but they did serve the crunchy purpose of keeping our fingers and mouths busy – at least until we could find something else to snack on – zing!

Plain and simple, these are nothing to write home about.  In the mood for some crunchy, smoky, practically flavorless fried potato sticks?  Then these fries….wait, we didn’t think so.

As always we would love to hear what you think.  Let us know.

Discovered at Shell Gas Station;Westchester, Illinois

Jay’s Official Website

Chip Ratings Scale:

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REVIEW: Ruffles Deep Ridged – Bacon & Cheddar Loaded Potato Skins Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©-1/2 chips  (notable)

Ruffles Deep Ridged - Bacon & Cheddar Loaded Potato Skins

Ruffles, will your quest for the ultimate ridged potato chips ever be complete?!  How deep must your ridges dive to satisfy your wavy urges?  This ridge-sanity must end!!  However, in the meantime, we will gladly crunch away at your Deep Ridged potato chips!!

Correct us if we are wrong, but has Ruffles simply re-branded their line of Ultimate potato chips, under the new moniker Deep Ridged?  And, are “ridges 2X as deep” even more deep than “now with deeper ridges?!?”  Who’s in charge around here?!  “Ruffles have Ridges”, but now those ridges have become 2X’s deeper, and consequently, the most wavy-ridged chips that we have ever laid our lips on.  Wow!  So deep in fact, that our tongues could barely reach the bottoms of their potato chip canyons!

Hold on here!  Stop the Chip Review-ing presses!!  Now we are positive that we already reviewed these chips, but under the ‘Ultimate’ brand?!!  At least with Ruffles Deep Ridged Buffalo Wild Wings Classic Hot Wings flavor, Ruffles was bringing us a new flavor.  Well, since Ruffles can do it, why can’t we.  See below for our description of both Ruffles Ultimate, and Deep Ridged, Bacon & Cheddar Loaded Potato Skins:

Like all of the flavors before them, these chips do not go lightly on the seasoning, however, the flavor recipe is only satisfactory at best.  All of the necessary flavor components are present, but together, the combination, underwhelms.  We taste a lot of smooth sour cream, some bland cheddar cheese, some onion, representing the chives, and then of course, the fake, sweet, smoky and salty bacon aspect (that always reminds us of Baco Bits).

One small detail, or issue, that a handful of us at Chip Review had with these chips, was something we like to call “false advertising”.  Maybe more accurately, “slightly misleading advertising”.  You see, there has to be some reason that Ruffles would deliberately enlarge and highlight the two ingredients BACON & CHEDDAR apart from the Loaded Potato Skins flavor name.  Why?  Because those two ingredients are the best!  And, Ruffles had us believe that were to be accentuated and emboldened, but alas, the chips are simply fake smoky, sour cream and cheddar potato chip.  Eatable yes, but not very reminiscent of the warm, fatty, cohesive, and ultra comforting loaded potato skins!

In the end, regardless of whether Ruffles calls them Deep Ridged or Ultimate, these potato chips are super wavy & rippled, and our mouths appreciate the textural playground!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at Target; Hillside, Illinois

Ruffles Official Website

Chip Ratings Scale:

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REVIEW: Wise Ridgies – Bacon & Cheddar Ridged Potato Chips

Rating: ©©-1/4 chips  (tolerable)

Wise Ridgies - Bacon & Cheddar


Overbearing and off-putting abundance of extra smoky hickory flavor that pretty much overwhelms anything and everything else about these chips!  No thank you!

Wise Ridgies Potato Chips are larger, wide rippled, crispy chips, but we practically cannot recall them because the bacon (and cheddar) seasoning that coats each of the chips completely stole the show.   The abusively salty, and extremely smoky seasoning blend was not good at all.  Cheese?  What?!?  Any supposed presence of cheddar cheese powder was completely covered up by the smoke fog and salt clouds of the “bacon” half of the equation.

We just truly have nothing positive to say about these chips, except that, for one reason or another, the bag actually disappeared surprisingly quickly.  Was this because our tasters were just hungry?  Or, do our tasters really like completely, unnaturally salty, smoky, bacon flavoring on crispy fried potatoes….?

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chip Ratings Scale:

(1/4 increments)

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