REVIEW: Cofresh – Jalapeno Potato Grills

Rating: ©©©-1/4 chips  (notable)

Cofresh - Jalapeno Potato GrillsPotato grills?!?  Yes, potato grills!

A Potato Grill is =

a) A grill that is kept outside used only for cooking potatoes
b) A restaurant chain that focuses on all things potato
c) A crunchy, puffed, potato snack shaped like a radiator

If you said ‘C’, then you are correct (you didn’t cheat did you?)!  Despite their “puffed” sort of texture, the potato grills are not very similar to what we typically think of as puffed snacks, ie. corn puffs.  Where as everyone’s favorite puffed cheesy snacks are light, and melty, instead these potato grills are actually quite dense, a bit hefty or hearty, very crunchy, not crispy, and certainly did not melt in our mouths!  Their texture was unique and really unlike any other snacks that we have tried.  Pretty much all Chip Reviewers found the grills fun and easy to crunch on!

Cofresh Potato Grills, according to their own packaging, are “Britain’s Favourite Indian Snacks!”  If any of you Brits out there can concur or deny this, feel free to chime in!  What we can chime in on is their flavor.  When we think of jalapeno we think fresh, vegetal pepper notes, and a good amount of heat!  Well, it appears that when Cofresh thinks about jalapeno they think about lots of onions, lots of salt, and only a little bit of heat!!  There is nothing particularly wrong with Cofresh’s seasoning recipe, it’s just not what we think of as jalapeno flavored anything.  Luckily, with the more potato grills that we devoured, the more the flavors developed, and we slowly began to taste a little more heat, and a little more chapping of our lips.  Holy, these grills are salty!

In the end, if you are looking for a snack with an unusual texture and shape, but don’t care if they taste like what they claim to taste like, then give the grills a try.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at Brookhaven Marketplace; Burr Ridge, Illinois

Cofresh Official Website

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REVIEW: Cofresh – Cheese & Onion Potato Grills

Rating: ©©©-3/4 chips  (notable)

Cofresh - Cheese & Onion Potato Grills


Happy New Year!

What better way to celebrate the start of a fresh new year than with the taste of some (Co)fresh new potato grills!  Potato grills?!?  Yes, potato grills!!

Cofresh Potato Grills, according to their own packaging, are “Britain’s Favourite Indian Snacks!”  If any of you Brits out there can concur or deny this, feel free to chime in!  What we can tell you with utmost certainty would be that the flavor combination of cheese and onion is a classically iconic British flavor combo that has withstood the test of time!! We have tasted plenty of variations of the combo over our many years of chip reviewing, but yet the combination just seems like it has not caught on here in the States.

The grill’s cheese flavor aspect is front and center from the get go, and definitely the more prominent flavor.  Plenty of very, very salty, and pungent cheese, adequately coat each potato grill.  Cheese’s teammate onion is in the game, but really only there to support and compliment the powerful cheese presence!  The onion essence is subtle, and only apparent after the salty cheese settles on the tongue for a few seconds.

Alright, getting back to those curious potato grills.  If we had to describe the grills to someone who could not see their picture above, we would call them radiator shaped (radiatore anyone?), crispy potato puffs (texturally very similar to Market Pantry’s Pumpkin Shaped Cheesy Potato Puffs).  The potato grills are not very similar to corn puffs, instead they are actually quite dense, a bit hefty, very crunchy, and certainly do not melt in our mouths!

The potato grills have a unique texture, unique shape, and a classic flavor.  Pretty much all Chip Reviewers found the grills rather tasty, and very edible!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at Brookhaven Marketplace; Burr Ridge, Illinois

Cofresh Official Website

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