REVIEW: Terra Sweets Medley – Hint of Cinnamon Orange, Purple & Cuban White Sweet Potato Chips

Rating: ©©© chips  (notable)

Terra - Sweets Medley - Hint of Cinnamon - Orange, Purple, Cuban Sweet Potato Chips


For those of you unfamiliar with Terra’s products here are a couple of tell tale signs you have found them: 1) shiny black bags, with shiny, colorful examples of the product that you will find in those bags 2) rarely are they made from “standard” potatoes 3) you will most likely find the bags in stores specializing in organic foods, or possibly your local grocery store’s health food aisle.



Dare we even say, lovely…?

Many, many more adjectives could be used to describe these Hint of Cinnamon Sweet Potato Chips from Terra, but the one we would use, above and beyond any other, would be SWEET!!!!  Too sweet.  Cloyingly sweet.  Uniquely sweet.  Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet (hence the name), but adding cane sugar to these chips, puts their sweet level over the top.  The ‘Hint of Cinnamon’ is present, and welcomed, but again, plays second fiddle to the sweetness.  These chips are so sweet that we’re not even certain that we tasted any salt on them at all….  No salt, what?

The use of three different types of sweet potatoes makes for a unique melange of colors and textures.  The orange potato chips were the most abundant in the bag, and had the softest crunch of the three chips types.  We liked them the best.  Both the purple, and the white Cuban, sweet potato chips were a bit too hard for our liking.

Plain and simple, if you like chips for dessert, you would most likely enjoy these.  We appreciate these more than we like them.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

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