REVIEW: Simply 7 – Sea Salt Hummus Chips

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Simply 7 - Sea Salt Hummus Chips


Simply 7 produces three types of chips – Hummus Chips (present), Pomegranate Chips, and Lentil Chips.  They are all unique and fantastic in their own right, and luckily we have more to review!

The Hummus chips, just like their Lentil and Pomegranate cousins, have a unique texture, and flavor.  We still slightly prefer the flavor, and texture, of the Lentil chips, but we can appreciate that the chickpea flour exhibits a certain clean, smooth, and “bean-y” quality & flavor to the chips, as well as, providing more than a few heath benefits.  The chips are definitely light and crunchy, making it almost too easy to chomp through a bag before you even realize it.

The Sea Salt chips were very well seasoned.  Each hummus chip, in addition to the simple sea salt, was also thoroughly coated with an ample dose of those traditional hummus flavors – tahini, lemon, olive oil and of course garlic.  Lots of garlic.  We were a bit pleasantly surprised to find the hummus flavors so pronounced, we honestly thought that the chips were simply going to taste like salty chips.

Stay tuned for reviews on the rest of the Simply 7 family coming soon!!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review from Simply 7 for review

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