REVIEW: Krunchers! Waves – Sea Salt & Vinegar Kettle Cooked Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©-3/4 chips  (notable)

Krunchers! Waves - Sea Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips


With a name as descriptive as Krunchers!, one would rightfully assume that the potato chips would be required by textural law to be extremely crunchy, correct?  Luckily, Krunchers! namesake not only holds true, but easily out crunches the majority of crunchy kettle cooked potato chips out there on the open crunchy market!

These Wavy potato chips, are Krunchers! take on a ripple chip, and they have executed the wavy ridges quite well.  For one reason or another, you don’t see too many wavy, kettle cooked potato chips on the market.  Why?  Don’t ask us, we just eat and review them.  The chips themselves were on the thicker side, and sizes were everywhere from medium-small, to some rather large potato slices.

We have tasted quite a few bags of salt & vinegar chips over the years, and it seems like no two are exactly alike, and their are countless variations of the classic combo. Some use cider vinegar, while others use malt vinegar.  Some blast you away with acid, while others just kiss the chips with some sour.  In our opinion there is no one right way of doing it, as long as it is done well, and everything is in balance.

Krunchers! Sea Salt & Vinegar chips were a rather potently acidic version of the flavor, with a subtle touch of sea salt, and even a slight peppery essence in the background (we are actually wondering if the pepper aspect wasn’t a bit of a mistake, and our sea salt & vinegar bag got a little too close to the jalapeno Krunchers!?  Who knows?).  The bright white vinegar solids coating the chips did their job and shocked our taste buds nearly off of tongues, but at the same time there was not very much vinegar flavor, and the sea salt was no match for the powerful acid.  Probably our most major issue with the seasoning on these chips is that any essence of potato flavor that may have been present on these wavy kettle cooked chips was completely obliterated, and overwhelmed by the vinegar flavor.

So, if you are looking for some extremely crunchy potato chips, and you like some salt & vinegar that makes your tongue wince, then Krunchers! Waves may just be the chips for you.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

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2 thoughts on “REVIEW: Krunchers! Waves – Sea Salt & Vinegar Kettle Cooked Potato Chips

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