REVIEW: Lay’s – Copa de los Sabores (Flavor Cup) – Chile Ensalada Chilena (Chilean Salad)

Rating: ©©©© chips (lip-smacking)

Lay's Chile - Ensalada de ChileOK, we’ve probably postponed our review of these for long enough….it’s finally time to show Lay’s U.S.A. how it is done in the southern hemisphere!!

Wouldn’t you know it, Chip Review leaves the country right as Lay’s U.S. released this year’s four new ‘Do Us a Flavor’ chips.  So, we missed all of the initial hub-bub, and our own ‘Do Us a Flavor’ reviews were a little behind on the ball, but everything worked out in the end, because while most of your were struggling through weird flavors like cappuccino, we were busy devouring four delicious limited edition Lay’s Chile Copa de los Sabores! Aka – World Cup inspired flavors!  That’s right, in honor of 2014’s FIFA World Cup in Brazil, Lay’s Chile decided to release four unique flavors highlighting traditional dishes from four, scratch that three, South American countries, plus Spain??  *On a side note: we just wonder why Lay’s Chile opted to include Spain, a European country, rather than stick with their South American siblings, and include a country such as Argentina, who of course exudes World Cup soccer, and who’s grilled steak with chimichurri sauce, would have fit right in with this flavor line-up??  Is there some sort of underlying rivalry between the two…?!  Or, are are they simply honoring their Latin American roots by including Spain?  The world may never know!

Without further ado, may we introduce to you, the first player from Lay’s Copa de los Sabores flavor line-up: Chile’s very own Ensalda Chilena (Chilean Salad?!)!!

We know what you may be thinking.  Salad, really?  Well, this is not a salad in the typical sense that many of us may know it.  There is no lettuce, or leafy greens in this salad, other than the inclusion of some scattered cilantro.  No, Chilean Salad is a simple combination of bright red, ripe, juicy Chilean tomatoes, roughly chopped into large chucks, mixed with thin, red onion slices, some of that cilantro mentioned before, and all tossed with an oil and vinegar dressing.  Come to think of it, the combination of flavors sort of reminds us of salsa, only with an added vinegar tang.

Well, Lay’s execution of the Chilean Salad flavor was pretty spot on.  Sort of surprising after last year’s mediocre Pico de Gallo flavored chips, which technically consist of roughly the same ingredients as a Chilean Salad.  These chips do have a slightly sweet tomato powder essence, which seems to be unavoidable when using tomato powder; luckily the ample inclusion of tart vinegar cut the sweetness just enough to highlight the tomato flavor.  While both onion and cilantro are present, both are simply complimentary and second fiddle to the tomato and vinegar.  Overall, we really liked the flavor, especially when combined with Lay’s Chile wavy or ridged potato chips.  These chips seemed a bit more rustic than what Lay’s Wavy in the U.S. usually produce.  Very well salted, good amount of real potato flavor, and with many of the skins still intact.  Maybe a bit greasy, but nothing really distracting.  Again, these chips are lip-smacking!

Stay tuned for reviews of the rest of Copa de los Sabores flavor line-up.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips discovered at Lider Express; Santiago, Chile

Lay’s Chile

Chip Ratings Scale:

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One thought on “REVIEW: Lay’s – Copa de los Sabores (Flavor Cup) – Chile Ensalada Chilena (Chilean Salad)

  1. There’s definitely a long-standing cultural rivalry between Chile and Argentina. We’re not just talking sports… We’re talking everything. Chileans look down their noses at Argentines, and Argentines return the favor.

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