REVIEW: Funyuns – Chile Limón

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips  (lip-smacking)

Funyuns - Chile LimonAnd what do we have here?!?  Yep, that’s right, it appears as though everyone’s favorite crunchy, onion ring snack has decided to try their own variation on the, all-too-often over done, and overused, chile & limón combination!

What is limon you ask?  Actually, we know that you probably don’t need to ask that, as the picture on the front of the bag clearly shows a cross section of a lime, and we’re pretty sure most people in the U.S. now know what a limón is.  However, in case you did ask that, a limón is in fact not the combination of a lime + a lemon, but actually the Spanish word for both lime and lemon.  In this case, and most cases when discussing chile & limón together, limón is referring to the limón verde – aka lime.

The initial smell released from the Funyuns’ bag as we ripped it open was of a deeply delicious, chile and onion combination. That rich and savory scent alone had us very excited for where these Funyuns were headed!  Luckily for you, and us, that excitement was completely justified!

In our opinion, not only are these Chile & Limón Funyuns as good as either the Original, or Flamin’ Hot versions, but actually even better, and certainly more complex.  The seasoning level varied from ring to ring, while some were heavily blanketed with a deep red dusting of powder, others were only lightly coated with a reddish sprinkling of seasoning.  The onion rings themselves were the same old crunchy, corn based, circular extruded snack, that was easy to crunch through, and sort of fun to play with!

Initially, the Funyuns flavor exhibited a surprisingly restrained subtlety, with just a light touch of some smokey chile notes, that mingled flawlessly with the salty onion flavor.  We found that the limón flavor was actually rather sporadic, but when we did find it, the tangy citrus surprise added a delicious zap of freshness.  Although the Funyuns do not initially exude very much chile heat, the spicy intensity definitely grew and grew with the more rings we crunched!

Plain and simple, Funyuns Chile & Limón are that rare snack sequel that was actually able to elevate above and beyond their tasty original snack.  They are some of the best “chips” that we have tried so far in 2014!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at Walmart; Darien, Illinois

Funyuns Official Website

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REVIEW: Deep River Snacks – Krinkle Cut Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©-1/2 chips  (notable)

Deep River Snacks - Krinkle Cut Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips


In the past we’ve referred to Deep River Snack’s potato chips as “some of the most hearty, crunchy, full-bodied, thick-cut and overall best kettle cooked chips in the industry!”  Unfortunately, with their latest venture into the ‘krinkle cut kettle cooked’ territory, they have taken their near perfect chip perfection to an over-the-top, tooth crackingly, too crunchy territory!

Similar to both Krunchers! and Trader Joe’s versions of the same style kettle cooked chips, we simply can’t say that we are fans of this style at all.  It just seems like somehow the chips become exponentially crunchier when they are krinkle cut.  Maybe it is just our preference, or maybe there is some other hidden reason as to why there just doesn’t seem to be very many versions of these krinkle cut kettle cooked style of potato chip on the market today?  Too thick?  Yes.  Extra crunchy and verging on too hard?  Yes.  Too abrasive for our tender mouths? Yes, yes, yes!

Despite their negative aspects, we would also like to point out the chip’s good side!  Their seasoning blend is very good.  A classic mix of subtle sour cream and pungent onion.  Their recipe reminds us of sour cream and onions from our childhood.  A perfect flavor combination that is salty, smooth, flavorful and definitely compliments the potato flavor very well!

We wouldn’t necessarily write these chips straight off for their texture, but if it weren’t for their delicious flavor, we would have had a tough time calling these chips even tolerable.  As it is, they are notable, and if you like your chips extra, extra crispy, then maybe these are for you!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Deep River Snacks for review

Deep River Snacks Official Website

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REVIEW: Chex Chips – Caramelized Onion

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Chex Chips - Caramelized Onion


Most of us here at Chip Review are from the generation raised on homemade Chex Mix!  Not the Chex Mix that kids these days are growing up with, but the kind that was so deliciously saturated with unctuous amounts of butter and Worcestershire sauce, that it took the mix pieces forever to crisp back up again in the oven.  The O.M. – Original Mix!  Absolutely delicious!  Granted, many of us referred to this “classical” delicious mix as Doo Dads, rather than Chex Mix, however, that’s another story.

So, what exactly are Chex Chips?  Well, lets imagine that someone took all of the Chex pieces out of the Chex Mix, and this same someone then took each of those pieces and placed them under that laser from ‘Honey I Shrunk The Kids.  Not knowing how to accurately use the machine, rather than shrink the pieces they used the laser to enlarge the Chex pieces into giant-jumbo Chex pieces!  So large in fact, that they could be classified as Chex Chips!!

If “unique is what you seek.  You’re about to experience a multigrain chip like no other.  A bigger, puffier version of the Chex square. You’ll love that unique pattern in a light and crunchy chip.”  Chex Chips are not much different than other puffed, or popped, multigrain chips on the market today.   They are airy, crisp, light, with a slightly melt-able texture reminiscent of a good corn puff.  However, we think that Jack over at The Impulsive Buy said it best in his review of the chips that “the texture of Chex Chips is a wonderfully effective hybrid somewhere between the puffiness of Bugles and the crispiness of the late (and well missed) Doritos 3D. Much less flimsy than their breakfast cereal brethren.”

The criss-crossed chips are loaded with caramelized onion flavor!  A rich, sweet, and flavorful onion presence that doesn’t overwhelm us with onion, but simply highlight the greatest aspects of it.  A great seasoning blend that compliments the Chex Chips.  We are more than happy to say – welcome to the chip game Chex!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at 7-Eleven; Burr Ridge, Illinois

Chex Official Website

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