BIJOU-REVIEW: Chicago Gold Popcorn – Firehouse Cheddar Popcorn

Rating: ©©©-1/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

Chicago Gold Popcorn - Firehouse CheddarChicago Gold Popcorn?  So… the popcorn gold in color?  Dusted with gold powder?  Or, is this company just calling themselves the Chicago ‘gold standard‘ of popcorn?  We’re guessing that it has to be the latter of the three because this popcorn is not gold in color in the slightest; it is as bright red as an entire bowl of maraschino cherries against a white backdrop.  #firehouseelectricred

Being that we are located in Chicago, we really, really hoped to love this popcorn, unfortunately, while there are certain aspects of it that we did enjoy, there were also those that we did not.

This crisp, light, butterfly style popcorn has a terrifically rich mouth texture.  The cheddar cheese seasoning is smooth and creamy and downright fantastic.

The popcorn also delivers just enough of a spicy tickle to really agitate the throat.  Lets call it a good burn.  Probably not quite worthy of an electric red ‘Firehouse’ description.

On the not so bright side of things, this popcorn may have a great creamy, cheddar cheese coating, but that coating has no flavor AT ALL.  Sorry, but this stuff needs a heavy hand of salt!

First rule of snack club is that you never forget the salt.  Second rule of snack club is that you NEVER, EVER, FORGET THE SALT!!!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Popcorn discovered at BP Gas Station; Westchester, Illinois

Chicago Gold Popcorn Official Website

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BIJOU-REVIEW: Grand Papa’s – Cheese Balls

Rating: ©©©-1/4 chips  (notable)

Grand Papa's - Cheese BallsThese are perfectly acceptable cheese balls.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Texture wise, just like with their spicy counterparts, these cheese balls have a softer, toothsome crunch.  But, most importantly, they still deliver that classic corn puff mouth meltability quality that everyone loves.

As for these balls’ cheese level, well it is there, but it is very subtle.  Not a whole lot of tangy cheesy-ness going on.  Perfectly adequate rich and creamy cheese essence, but really just adequate flavor.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Balls discovered at Shell Gas Station; Oak Park, Illinois

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REVIEW: Hawaiian – Island Lemon (Special Batch #1) Kettle Style Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/4  (lip-smacking)

Hawaiian Kettle - LemonSpecial Batch #1 = Island Lemon.

Holy lemony-lemon chip man!  Tart & Tangy… well that’s kind of an understatement.

First off, these are some unique chips.  How often do you see lemon flavored chips?  Apparently, if you clicked on our link to the left, the answer is more often than we were aware of (we’ve tried a dozen or more).  Maybe a better question would have been “how often do you see solely lemon flavored potato chips?”  There we go, that’s the answer we were looking for – not very often!

Plain and simple, everything about this bag exudes tart and tangy lemon-ness.  From the big cross sections of plump juicy lemons, to the bright, bright, bright yellow bag, to the hula dancers soaking up the sunny tropical Hawaiian weather.  But what really screams CITRUS, and in the end what really truly matters, is their spot-on lemon flavor!  Nailed it!!  Chock up another winner up for Hawaiian Kettle Style Potato Chips team.

***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** These chips may not be appropriate for those of you who can’t handle your tongue tingling lemony citrus.  Everyone’s favorite yellow citrus fruit is certainly the star of the show.  Bright and fresh, as well as, tangy and acidic.  We simply have to say it again, these chips just nail the flavor execution!

And while the lemon seasoning does compliment Hawaiian’s thick cut and extra crunchy kettle cooked potato chips very well, we do have to admit that the flavor eventually becomes a touch overpowering, and monotonous.  In other words, we couldn’t eat very many of them before having to take a break, and cleanse our palettes.  We are all for a good squeeze of lemon juice on our food, but this equates more to eating lemons with a squeeze of potato.

So, if you are up for the lemony challenge, or are huge fans of lemons, than you are going to want to give these chips a try!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips discovered at World Market; Oakbrook, Illinois

Hawaiian Snacks Official Website

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BIJOU-REVIEW: Keogh’s – Sweet Chilli & Irish Red Pepper Potato Crisps

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips (lip-smacking)

Keogh's - Sweet ChilliJust in time for Saint Patty’s Day, more great potato crisps from Ireland!!

FIELD: Abbeyville

VARIETY: Lady Claire

Come’on, how many other companies can you tell, or at least do tell you, what field the potatoes you are eating came from, and what variety of potato?!  Very cool!

We’ve told you before, but figure that it wouldn’t hurt to tell you again:

Keogh’s Farm is a family owned and run potato growing and crisping business based in North County Dublin, an area famous for producing Ireland’s finest potatoes.  Keogh’s has been farming the rich fertile lands in this area for over 200 years and have recently set up a “crisping house” on the farm…now producing Ireland’s only “hand cooked on the farm” artisan potato crisps.

Launched in 2012 to celebrate St Patricks Day, Keogh’s Shamrock and Sour Cream potato crisps combine the delicious tangy taste of Sour Cream with the freshness of traditional Irish Shamrock. Our Shamrock is grown in Ballinskelligs Co. Kerry by Livingshamrock. This area also produces the fresh Irish Shamrock which is presented to the American president on St Patrick’s Day!

Keogh’s delicious potato crisps are varying sizes of rustic, skin on, bright yellow hued fried potato slices!  Medium thick, loads potato flavor, and a crispy kettle cooked consistency!  Maybe a little greasy, but nothing that hinders the clean and neutral flavor!

Truth be told these crisps remind us a lot of some other crisps from across the big pond – Tyrrell’s Sweet Chili & Red Pepper Hand Cooked Potato Crisps, and even a little bit reminiscent of some of our own country grown potato chips – Kettle Brand Spicy Thai.

The Sweet Chilli & Irish Red Pepper seasoning is fantastic!  Love, love, love the addition of ginger and coriander, and also what appears to be licorice root – all adding flavor notes that are uncommon in most seasoning combos.  Combine these with red bell pepper, spicy chiles, and garlic, and what do we have?  Deliciously sweet, spicy, tangy, and amazingly fragrant potato crisps!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Crisps discovered at World Market; Oak Brook, IL

Keogh’s Official Website

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BIJOU-REVIEW: Alaska Chip Company – Cheddar Cheese Popcorn

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Alaska Chip Company - Cheddar Cheese PopcornWe’ve already said this once before in regards to Alaska Chip Company, but isn’t it sort of funny when a company who describes itself as a ‘chip company’ decides to make something other than chips?  For instance, cheddar cheese popcorn.  Not funny?

Alaska Chip Co. seems to have a great knack for making popcorn.

With this latest cheddar cheese flavor, the outcome seems to be no different – really good popcorn!

Alaska Chip Company’s particular cheddar cheese seasoning blend is a fun and unique one.  At certain points it tastes as if there is mustard powder in there.  Plus, the combination of cheddar & bleu cheese, mixed with a little garlic & onion impart a deliciously salty & tangy flavor combination!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Popcorn provided to Chip Review by Alaska Chip Company for review

Alaska Chip Company Official Website

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REVIEW: Cheetos – Flamin’ Hot (Mexico)

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips  (lip-smacking)

Cheetos - Flamin' Hot (Cheetos)Have you ever tried something that is familiar to you in your everyday surroundings only to discover that the same thing elsewhere, in a different country for instance, is different?  A good example of this would be McDonalds.  We all know and recognize the mega fast food chain from those glowing golden arches, whether we are driving down our hometown street or thousands of miles away in some foreign land; the only thing is although we may recognize it by sight, our taste buds tell us that something is different.  Not necessarily off, or less delicious (although sometimes this is true as well), but simply that this seemingly always recognizable thing is not what we are accustomed to.

Welcome to Cheetos Flamin’ Hot from Mexico.

Even prior to tasting these Cheetos we could have told you that they are not the standard U.S. version of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.

Cheetos - Flamin' Hot DuoThe two bags are obviously visually different, despite sporting the same overall color scheme.  Our everyday bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos is broken up into three different color partitions, one orange, one red, one yellow – sort of like it is an official Flamin’ Hot flag.  Mexico’s version is predominantly yellow, Chester is sporting his devil look, and there are red and orange flames of fire along the very top edge.  Despite their visual differences, we also found this very yellow bag of Cheetos in among a shelf filled with other Mexican Frito Lay products, so we knew from the get go that we weren’t trying our same old every day Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.

As for the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos themselves, well, they are pretty darn frackin’ tasty!!  Really, really similar to our flawless iconic U.S. Flamin’ Hot Cheetos only, slightly………..yes, there’s that word again, DIFFERENT.   Luckily that this different does not equal bad in this case.  Mexico’s Flamin’ Hot Cheetos have a much more cheesy seasoning, that also delivers more of a lip puckering sour tang than the bold and powerful acidic burn that we are used to with our every day Flamin’ Hots.  They still deliver just enough heat to warrant a Midwestern sort of Flamin’ Hot, but not enough to really scare anyone, from anywhere, away.  The Mexican Cheetos also have a slightly softer, or lighter crunch – just not quite as crispy.  They still melt with the slightest touch of the tongue, and provide plenty of that mouth loving, rich and fatty texture.

For the most part, these are close enough to the originals that most anyone who tries them wouldn’t really think twice that they are trying anything other than the usual Flamin’ Hot Cheetos that they are used to.  But, if you are like us, you pay attention to you crunchy, salty and spicy snacks, and in that respect, there are a few differences  But, in the end, they are still lip-smackingly delicious!  In fact, we have no concerns about that unplanned future Mexico trip, and our ability to find some type of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos on the local store shelf.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at 7-eleven; Hwy. 294, Hinsdale Oasis, Illinois

Cheetos Official Website

Chip Ratings Scale:

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