BIJOU-REVIEW: Popcorn, Indiana – Smoky Queso Popcorn

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Popcorn, Indiana - Smokey QuesoSmoky, yes.  But not overly smoky, just a sufficient kiss.

Queso, yes. We are safe in assuming that every single one of you knows that queso = cheese, correct?  Let’s hope so.  Any way, this popcorn is delightfully coated with a creamy-salty cheese powder layer that did the trick for us.

What else can we say?  Popcorn, Indiana strikes again!  Is there any flavor that they have not tried creating?

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Popcorn discovered at Walgreens; Hillside, Illinois

Popcorn, Indiana Offficial Website

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BIJOU-REVIEW: PopCorners – Mango Salsa Popped Bean Chips

Rating: ©©-3/4 chips  (tolerable)

Popcorners - Mango Salsa Popped Bean ChipsPopCorner’s slogan used to be “The New Shape of Popcorn,”  apparently now it has changed to “Simply the Better Choice.”  So, the question then arises, was that “simply the better choice”, for “the new shape of popcorn?”

First, let’s point out PopCorner’s beautiful new sophisticated packaging to our left.  The bright white, eye-catching bag with bold orange and blue font popping off of it is eye-catching to say the least.

These chips intrigued us from the get go.  We have always been fans of the popped popcorn chips, but we’re pretty sure that we have never tried any that included popped beans (there has to be a joke in there somewhere in there right?)!!

Just like with the packaging, the actual chips are also quite visually impressive.  Hexagonal in shape, with colors of blue-ish-black, and green mixed in with the typical yellows and whites of popcorn.  The chips sort of reminded us of a multi-colored granite counter top.

Unfortunately, the chips also taste like that same granite counter top…. no, we’re just kidding, they aren’t quite that bad.  But, we can tell you that it is very apparent, right from the first chomp, that this is  not your typical popcorn chip party.  Beans, of three types (black, green split and yellow split), have crashed this shindig, and taken control of the crunchy refreshments!

The beans give the chips a tougher texture and chew, and definitely cause them to dry out quite a bit.  We were reaching for some water after only a couple of chips.

Even probably more odd than their texture was the chips’ seasoning. The mango salsa seasoning started out just like any other mango salsa flavoring, delivering a sweet and tangy, tropical fruity flavor, but that quickly diminished and the seasoning went somewhere we just did not enjoy following.

We don’t know about you but when we think of mango salsa we do not think of paprika, cumin or cinnamon.  Do you?  Didn’t think so.  Pretty sure this seasoning included all three.

Last little gripe, we could have used more salt on these chips to keep them in the savory realm as opposed to the sweet

Chips discovered at World Market; Oak Brook, Illinois

Popcorners Official Website

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REVIEW: Deep River Snacks Limited Edition – Ninja Ginger Kettle Cooked Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips (lip-smacking)

Deep River Snacks - Ninja GingerFinally, the infamous Limited Edition NINJA GINGER is here!!!

Not to be confused with the Ginger Ninja Trickster, (although we’re betting that these are in fact, his most favorite chips of all-time!).  No, we are talking about Deep River Snack’s Limited Edition Ninja Ginger Kettle Cooked Potato Chips with a KICK!

We learned of these uniquely flavored limited edition potato chips approximately half a year ago via a MICRO-REVIEW posted by Junk Food Guy.  Before even reading a single word from JFG’s glowing review, we knew that these were something that we could, and hopefully eventually would, LOVE!  Time passed, and yet we still could not find this flavor included anywhere Deep River Snacks were sold….
Luckily for us, and for you, if in fact you are reading this, some generous person over at Deep River Snacks recently heard our pleas (okay our whining….begging….call it what you will), and sent a few samples of that sweet golden-yellow beauty above recently to our headquarters.

We have delayed the actual review long enough, lets get into it.  First of all, despite our own personal feelings towards these Ninja Gingers, we do see how they may not be for everyone.  They are flavorful, they are assertive, and they do deliver a ginger-FULL “kick”!  So, like we said, they may not be for everyone, but they are MOST CERTAINLY FOR US!!

It is always a relief, or let’s call it a pleasant surprise, when we crunch upon a new chip that causes our taste bud engines to start firing at full throttle, and question what we are fueling them with!!  Perplexed?  Yes.  Excited?  Certainly.  Impressed?  Without a doubt!!  These Ninja Ginger chips are delicious!  First and foremost, let’s get that straight, these chips are capital D-lishish!  But, you know what, they also really, really remind us of two other chips.

First, would be Kettle Brand’s Spicy Thai (which just so happens to be one of our favorite chips of all-time).  Both Deep River’s and Kettle Brand’s chips utilize the typical utility ingredients of onion and garlic, and both also reference cilantro – we’re guessing more so for color than actual flavor.  Both brands also list the addition of a chili pepper, but while Kettle Brand calls out the jalapeño, Deep River remains illusive with the always generic “chili pepper”.  All that being said, the real, major, synonymous ingredient that both delicious chips share is…. bet you can’t guess it …..yep, that’s right – GINGER!  We cracked the tasty code.

The other chips that we feel like these Ninja Ginger chips remind us of, also happen to be from Deep River Snacks, however they have long been discontinued. Deep River Snack’s Asian Sweet Spicy kettle chips, were some delicious sweet and spicy kettle chips, but that is really all we remember of them.

In the end, all we really want to say is that we love’em.  Medium thick, slightly greasy, perfectly crunchy, kettle cooked potato chips coated with a complex, ginger heavy, sweet, salty and slightly spicy seasoning.  Delicious!!  Easily some of the best chips we have tried this year, and another lip-smacking hit from Deep River Snacks!  If you can find them, you should do yourself a treat and buy them.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Deep River Snacks for review

Deep River Snacks Official Website

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BIJOU-REVIEW: Doritos Mix – Taco Explosion

Rating: ©©©-1/4 chips  (notable)

Doritos Mix - Taco Explosion4 FLAVORS & 4 SHAPES!!  We weren’t actually aware that Doritos had 4 different flavors…

A few days ago we reviewed Doritos other new flavor from this Mix line of chips – Cheese Explosion.  Apparently, this new line is only available in flavors of Explosion….  For a much more in depth review of this ridiculous new product line, please see that review.

As for this Taco Explosion version, well, it has the exact same shapes as the Cheese Explosion, just different flavor profiles.  Let’s take a quick look at them:

  1. Traditional Doritos triangular corn tortilla chips – Spicy Nacho flavor.  Really, what do we have to say about these?  If you aren’t familiar with these, you aren’t living.  These completely dominate the bag in regards to both flavor and volume.  The other mix pieces just really don’t have a chance.
  2. Doritos Dinamita or Rollitos rolled corn tortilla chips – Taco flavor.  Although the back of the bag simply refers to these as rolled corn tortillas, Doritos has had a couple of different lines with this popular rolled corn shape.  Doritos has also had many, many different Taco flavored chips over the years, and one of those was Doritos Rollitos Zesty Taco!  We’re guessing that they simply made some more of those for this bag.  Same, usual, delicious Doritos Taco seasoning, only we couldn’t really taste much of it, on account of the Spicy Nacho tortilla chips.
  3. 3D triangle – Triforce like corn chip – Salsa flavor.  This shape is not totally unlike Doritos relatively recent JACKED 3D chips.   Full of fried corn flavor, with a nice crunch and mouth texture.  These are probably our favorite shape and flavor from the mix.  We love Salsa flavored Doritos, and these triangles just have a great texture, with loads of corn flavor.
  4. Lastly are Doritos twisted corn chips – Sour Cream flavor.  We thought that this shape looked familiar and it does appear that Frito Lays has put this corn shape out two times before, with two different names – Sabritas Turbos, and Fritos Twists.  We aren’t the biggest fan of this shape.  A little too hard and crunchy, almost dangerous to our teeth and gums.  The sour cream seasoning was subtle, and creamy.  Sort of like Cool Ranch, just not as good.

We always love seeing any new Doritos on the market, and we do appreciate the variant textures of the unique shapes included in the Doritos Mix; but in the end it simply does not work for us.  There is no cohesiveness to this odd group of shapes.  As for the Taco Explosion flavor combination, it does work a bit better than the Cheese Explosion combo, especially when all of the pieces are munched together!

Well, there you have it.  Anyone else out there tried them yet?  Thoughts?  As always we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree.  Let us know.

Chips discovered at Walmart; Countryside, Illinois

Doritos Official Website

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REVIEW: Kettle Brand – Chili Lime Potato Chips cooked in 100% Avocado Oil

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips  (lip-smacking)

Kettle Brand - Chili LimeWay, way, way back, there was a period of time when Kettle Brand….then known simply as Kettle Chips (that is until everyone started calling their chips kettle chips)…. used to have their own new flavor promotion called ‘People’s Choice‘.  This promotion was very akin to Lay’s recent ‘Do Us a Flavor‘ promotion, which we are guessing, and hoping, that you are familiar with, except for that we the people were not creating the new flavors, only voting on them.

Anyways…..our real point is, that some years back Kettle Brand released a very similar chili lime flavored potato chip during one of their People’s Choice promotions called Twisted Chili Lime Krinkle Cut Potato Chips. This was before a time when we actually began reviewing chips, and probably a time before anyone was actually using 100% Avocado Oil to fry their kettle chips.  What we do remember is liking them very much back then, and we’ve got to assume that Kettle Brand has kinda, sorta, re-released, at the very least, a similarly delicious chili lime flavor blend combination.

Let’s get the avocado oil discussion out of the way right from the start.  Is avocado oil important to us, or you?  Is this the next big thing to take the snack market by tasty storm?  Must be fairly important to Kettle Brand at least because they sure have taken up a big portion of the front of their packaging letting us know that these chips have been cooked in 100% Avocado Oil.  From what we can research avocado oil is known for its antioxidants and heart healthy monounsaturated fats, but we all know that the real question is ‘does it taste any different?‘ And, even more importantly ‘does it taste good?‘  Well, as far as we can tell it really does not taste any differently, especially on seasoned chips.  Luckily, it does seem to do the frying trick, as these kettle cooked potato chips are just as delicious as they typically are from Kettle Brand.

Over the years we have tried quite a few different versions of the chili pepper and lime flavor combination.  So many different brands in fact that we would go so far as to call this flavor combo a classic now, that should be included in a everyone’s line-ups.  Among these many versions, there have been ups and downs, goods and bads, and Kettle Brand’s new version is definitely one of the goods!

Delicious!  Probably the single most impressive aspect of this seasoning is the citrus infused sea salt.  The flavored salt delivers a unique lime flavor that is not overly citrus-y or acidic, like we are used to tasting with lime flavored chips, but simply more of a pure lime essence. It is almost as if fresh lime has been zested and sprinkled all over these chips. Very unique and delicious.  On the tail end of the lime flavor, our tongues also noticed a slight hint of sweetness that helped to accentuate the lime.

The chili half of the flavor combo equation was also impressive in its own right.  We’re not talking about the usual, over the top, in your face, abrasive and yet at the same time one note, tangy red chili powder.  No.  Instead, what we have here is the usage of the jalapeño chili pepper, which provides much more of a real vegetal chili heat.  Delicious!  Combine this with supporting seasoning characters like tomato, garlic and onion powders, and we’re talking about a fantastic flavor fiesta!  Who brought the guacamole…?  Anyone??  No?  Well, at least we do have some avocado, even if we can’t really taste it!

Chips discovered at World Market; Oak Brook, Illinois

Kettle Brand Official Website

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BIJOU-REVIEW: Alaska Chip Company – Grizzly Barbecue Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©-1/2 chips  (notable)

Alaska Chip Co. - Grizzly Barbecue ChipsGrizzly may just be the perfect adjective to describe these barbecue flavored potato chips.

ACC’s gourmet kettle cooked chips have just a hint of sweetness, and really only a minimal touch of those barbecue flavors of tomato, garlic and onion.

In the end, these kettle chips are all about the savory hickory grizzly barbecue essence.  A smoky, sort of burly, strong mesquite flavor presence.

We’re wishing that they had that tang, that sour, that extra layer of of some flavor note to help subdue the powerful smoke.  Alas, these chips are a bit one note, albeit, still notably eatable.

The kettle cooked potato chips themselves are delicious.  Medium-thin cut, with a perfect level to crispiness.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review from Alaska Chip Company for review

Alaska Chip Company Official Website

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REVIEW: Lay’s Kettle Cooked – Flavor Swap – Olive Oil & Herbs Potato Chips

Rating: ©© chips (tolerable)

Lay's Kettle Cooked - Olive Oil & HerbsOkay, by now you have heard all about Lay’s newest promotion FLAVOR SWAP, right?   The one where Lay’s is pitting 4 totally brand new flavors up against 4 existing flavors that they currently offer on the market.  We, the consumers, in turn vote to save our favorite flavors – either the new, or the old.  As Lay’s says “One Stays. One Goes.”

We’re sorry, but with this one, Lay’s Kettle Cooked Olive Oil & Herbs, we just don’t get it….

Business Insider says: “World, meet your new “I feel like eating a whole bag of chips and no one is going to stop me” chip.

Junk Food Guy says: “I munched on these Lay’s Kettle Cooked Olive Oil & Herbs Potato Chips, and definitely noticed that these were WAY more complex. They had the same oily base, but the olive oil flavor was more present, and gave off more buttery round notes. The flavors of thyme, oregano, and basil were all noticeable, and faded in and out as I chewed. These were really really flavorful, and quite delicious. Not much else to say.”

And Junk Food Banter says: “My fat Italian ass approves… I absolutely love these…. Lay’s Olive Oil & Herbs serve as a reminder that basic, real ingredients like stuff that comes from vegetables and things that grow out of the ground can combine to be spectacular…. I crushed this bag before I even had a chance to regret it. Even though I am completely covered in olive oil from head to toe, I couldn’t be happier. If you’re Italian or just eat like one, buy these chips and vote for them. Please… do it for me, even if you hate them.”

Apparently, we are in the minority with this one, because in our opinion, Lay’s Kettle Cooked Olive Oil & Herbs potato chips are nothing more than GREASY SALT BOMBS with some green specs scattered throughout!!  Seriously, we like a decent amount of grease on our kettle cooked potato chips, and we love a heavy dashing of salt on pretty much all chips, but in this case both are beyond our preferences by a long shot!

Others have commented on how they could detect, and pinpoint each of the three highlighted herbs within this seasoning, but honestly all we could really taste beyond the sea of salt washing away our taste buds were a few faint notes of thyme, nothing of oregano or basil.  We have tried quite a few other Herb Flavored chips, and these Lay’s do not hold a candle to many, if any, of them.

For our money we would stick with the original Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper chips (frankly we do not purchase them very often either), but since Lay’s is hoping for everyone’s money, and opinion, if this case, and since Junk Food Banter says “…buy these chips and vote for them. Please… do it for me, even if you hate them,” we’re fine with throwing our vote in with the majority.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Lay’s Flavor Swap, here’s what the rest of the battles looks like this:

Lay's Flavor Swap

What do you guys think?  Tried any of the new ones?  Or, perhaps there’s one or more of the old flavors that you really want to stay?  Or, perhaps to go?

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips discovered at Walmart; Villa Park, Illinois

Voting ends March 21st, so make sure you go to the link below, and let Lay’s know which flavors should STAY, and which should GO!!

Lay’s Flavor Swap

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