REVIEW: PopCorners – Sweet Chili Popped Corn Chips

Rating: ©©©-1/4 chips  (notable)

Popcorners - Sweet ChiliPopcorn chips in general are pretty tasty.  Simple concept, with exceptional results.  Imagine popcorn with all of those pesky tooth clinging, and gum poking hulls removed, then the remaining popcorn meat is somehow forced, or popped, into a crunchy triangular chip.  How this is actually accomplished, we have no clue, but the end result is something of delicious genius that really works!

For any of you out there who somehow still haven’t tried popcorn chips of any variety or brand, first of all shame on you, and secondly, prepare your mouths for something new and unexpected!  The texture is light and crispy, leaning towards crunchy, and a bit more dense and crumbly than traditional tortilla or potato chips.  Loads of popcorn flavor compacted into a triangular chip with none of the extra hull filler.  Popcorn chips are plain and simple, a great addition to the world of chips!

Popcorners’ all new Sweet Chili flavored popped corn chips are…..decent enough.  All in all, a pretty stereotypically, generic and unenthusiastic sweet chili seasoning.  A heaping dose of sugar, generous dusting of garlic, a splash of slightly spicy chili, and just a dash of salt.  Nothing out of the ordinary, and nothing that sets it apart.  Personally, we here at Chip Review prefer the sweet chili seasoning combo atop potato based chips much more than corn based chips.  We simply feel like the sweet chili flavors compliment the potato flavor better than corn.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at Pete’s Fresh Market; Oak Brook Terrace, Illinois

Popcorner’s Official Website

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REVIEW: Popsalot – California Cruisin’

Rating: ©-3/4 chips (return to sender)

Pops-A-Lot - California CruisinAlright, sometimes we feel a little bit bad when we end up giving a chip or puff or popcorn one of our unforgiving ‘return to sender‘ ratings.  But sometimes, we just have to do it!  And although sometimes we may question ourselves, there are other times we just know we’re right!  This is one of those times!  Sorry California Cruisin’ but we need to RETURN YOU TO SENDER!!

For those of you out there who require a bit more supporting evidence than just our opinion and word, may we point you in the direction of Popsalot’s website link below.  Please click on that link, and then search for this popcorn on their website…..What’s that you say?  It doesn’t exist?!  Popsalot Gourmet Popcorn has actually removed the flavor from their popcorn line-up!!  Now, we do not know for certain why it was removed, but if we were to speculate we’d assume that it was because no one liked it!  **Correction – sometimes we jump to our own assumptions without actually having any facts to back it up.  Luckily, we were contacted by Popsalot, and informed that:

California Cruisin’ was newly launched last year in specific regions and immediate demand for it was too high to keep any in stock for potential online sales.  We held off on adding California Cruisin’ to our website until we launched it nationally AND had sufficient production time to ensure that any online demand could be met.

To be completely honest, we were far and away the most excited about this flavor from all of the flavors we were sent by Popsalot.  There was just something very intriguing about the combination of caramel corn, almonds and meyer lemons.  We love tasting new flavor combinations.  And California Cruisin sounded unlike anything that we can ever remember trying – we were giddy!

Unfortunately…the end result of the California Cruisin’ flavor combination is nothing like we had imagined!  And, we do not mean that in a good way!  As far as the actual flavor execution goes, we must assume that it is spot on.  Why? Because the popcorn did taste just like sweet, smoky, vanilla-kissed caramel corn, tossed with some savory almonds (unfortunately once again, much less than we would hope for), and then there is an underlying presence, which slowly shifted to an overwhelming essence, of citrus-y Meyer lemon.  One taster even asked if they were eating orange dreamsicle flavored popcorn?!?!  Ewww is right!  Somehow the sweet, velvety, caramel flavor, mixed with nutty almonds and fruity Meyer lemons, combines to trigger memories of treats better acquired from an ice cream truck, rather than the snack aisle!

In the end, the flavor combination just didn’t work with popcorn, and rubbed every on of our tasters the wrong way!  Of course, that being said, we understand that our aversion to this flavor combination is subjective, and there are of course others out there who may very well love this unique combination!  Despite props for execution, and a unique willingness to push flavor boundaries, we’re sorry Popsalot, we simply did not love the California Cruisin’ combo!!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Popcorn provided to Chip Review from Popsalot for review

Popsalot Official Website

Chip Ratings Scale:

(1/4 increments)

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REVIEW: Fire Corn – White Cheddar Jalapeño Popcorn

Rating: ©©©©© chips  (“A” list)

Fire Corn - White Cheddar Jalapeno PopcornOften times, sequels fall very short of the greatness that their predecessors provided.  But!  Sometimes, just sometimes, there are those amazing exceptions that defy history!  Those concepts that have taken everything great from the original, and used that as a basis to somehow create something just as good…if not better!!  Case in point Greg “B.A.” Anders Fire Corn White Cheddar Real Jalapeno Popcorn!

A little while back we reviewed and raved about Greg “B.A.” Anders (original) Fire Corn.  Plain and simple, it is really amazing stuff!!  And, just like with a great sequel, we are not going to try and reinvent the review (if for some reason you have not yet read our review of the original Fire Corn – HERE – you really should do that before anything else)!  If, for some other reason, you are unwilling to do such a thing, then so be it, and you are probably not going to truly understand the plot line of our review!

Fire Corn and White Cheddar Real Jalapeno Fire Corn are easily the best popcorn that we have tried this year, and actually among the best popcorn we have ever tried period!  Greg “B.A.” Anders Fire Corn (Real Jalapeno Popcorn) is a what we would like to refer to as a true artisan product.  What elevates this popcorn to that amazing handcrafted level is the use of only a few simple, high quality ingredients, executed tremendously, and frankly the amazing decision to combine real jalapeno slices, white cheddar cheese and popcorn!

The white cheddar variation takes the original recipe, and simply adds another delicious flavor layer to the mix. And we mean delicious!  Fire Corn’s white cheddar seasoning is easily some of the tastiest and creamiest white cheddar we have ever tried!  The smooth, creamy, salty, white cheddar layer doesn’t only add great flavor to the popcorn but also helps to subdue just a bit of the jalapeno heat (which we could see being a touch too spicy for some people out there).

In the end, we should probably point out that as good as both the Original Fire Corn and White Cheddar Fire Corn are on their own, if you can score a bag of each, and enjoy them together in delicious popcorn harmony, you will definitely be thanking us for a long time to come!!

And, just because we love this sort of thing, we thought we should share with you a little bit of Greg “B.A.” Anders Fire Corn Story:

Being a fighter pilot takes extreme focus and discipline. Hours are spent studying execution and strategy. On every flight, a pilot pushes himself and his aircraft to the very limits.  One of the great traditions of fighter pilots is gathering after training flights to unwind and debrief over brews and jalapeño popcorn called Fire Corn. It’s a spicy mix of fiery popcorn and real jalapeño slices that are slow-fired to a satisfying crisp.  As a Lt-Colonel retired from the Air Force, it’s a tradition I’ve enjoyed for years. And now it’s a tradition I want to share with you.  We hand-craft Fire Corn in small batches that stay true to the fighter pilot original recipe: jalepeños, popcorn and a dash of salt. Just three ingredients mixed to a spicy perfection. Have it for the game, BBQs, or wherever good times await…

Is Greg for real?  We’re guessing that you just can’t make this stuff up, but seriously, this sort of story is hard to believe, and seems too good to be real!  Then again, this delicious popcorn tradition had to spawn from somewhere, and who better to create such a strategically delicious and daring combination than fighter pilots!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Popcorn provided to Chip Review by Fire Corn Popcorn for review

Fire Corn Popcorn Official Website

Chip Ratings Scale:

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