REVIEW: Cobs – I ♥ Dark Chocolate Caramel Popcorn

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips  (lip-smacking)

Cobs - I Heart Dark Chocolate Covered PopcornThis sort of stuff is just not our thing.  We have of course tried various different chocolate flavored snacks over the years, one of which was actually chocolate coated such as these, but when it comes down to it, we are not sweets people!  There is a specific reason why we review chips and pretzels and popcorn.  We love salt!  We can enjoy a combination of the sweet and salty, but when there is no salt present, or at least none distinguishable, we simply have a difficult time of reviewing them objectively.  Such is the case here…!

All that being said, if chocolate, in this case especially dark chocolate, is right up your alley, or suits your fancy, or gets your motor going, then we’re pretty sure that you would love this stuff!  Because, even we could see past the existence of any salt, and recognize the quality of product that we were tasting.  In fact, some of us here at Chip Review may have even loved it!

There’s just something about the combination of some fantastically light and crispy popcorn kernels, coated with a sweet thin kiss of caramel, enveloped in a rich, creamy, slightly sweet and bitter layer of some of the best dark chocolate we have ever tasted.  The combination just works!  And despite our own personal reservations regarding the lack of salt, we just can’t deny or argue with how well balanced and tasty this stuff is!

Although we may not be buying this stuff for ourselves in the future, we’ll stick with Cobs Cheddar Cheese Popcorn, we do know plenty of people who would absolutely enjoy receiving a bag of this stuff from us as a gift!

As always, these are our thoughts. Agree or disagree, make sure to let us know.

Popcorn provided to Chip Review by Cobs for review

Cobs Popcorn Official Website

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REVIEW: Cobs – Coco Crunch Popcorn

Rating: ©©©-1/4 chips  (notable)

Cobs - Coco CrunchOkay, we are almost certain that 2015 is the year of the kernel!  We wouldn’t be at all surprised if we looked back through all of our reviews and ratings from this year so far, and ended up finding that we had tasted more new popcorn than chips!  Like we’ve said many times before, maybe we should just change our name to Popcorn Review?!  Or, at the very least dedicate another site to strictly reviewing the amazing popped kernels….(maybe we’re onto something here)!

As the story goes, it was sometime last year that we stumbled upon a bag of Cobs Cheddar Cheese Popcorn while perusing the snack aisle of our local World Market.  To say that we were thoroughly impressed by the delicious Down Under popcorn would be a grave understatement.  In all honesty it was some of the very best popcorn that we had ever tasted, from anywhere, period!  Luckily for us, someone at Cobs awesome Aussie popcorn company thought that it would be a good idea for us to review more of their popcorn, and we couldn’t agree more!!

Probably the most interesting of all of the popcorn flavors sent to us has to be this Coco Crunch!  Coco Crunch, huh, what you say??  Yep, COCO! CRUNCH!! POPCORN!!!  We can only imagine a stranger walking past as we are tasting this stuff.  After a quick double take, they quickly ask “What are you eating? No, seriously what is that stuff?  OK, but where did you get that??”  Until finally, they bravely ask “Can we try it?!”

After we so graciously proceed with sharing our uniquely flavored popcorn, we can only imagine that said popcorn eating stranger would come to the same two conclusions that we have regarding Cobs Coco Crunch.  First and foremost, this popcorn tastes EXACTLY like Kellog’s Cocoa Krispies!  Absolutely uncanny how similar the two are!  We imagine that if we put some of this popcorn in a bowl, topped it off with some milk, that within a couple of minutes we would have some of that good old delicious, sweet-chocolate-ly, Cocoa Krispies milk that youngsters everywhere covet at the end of every bowl of the snap, crackle and pop cereal!  And secondly, despite this popcorn most likely being as good as any cocoa flavored popcorn could possibly be, in our honest opinion, the combination of both was never meant to be.  Don’t take this wrong the way, we’re not saying that chocolate covered popcorn is a bad thing, but in this case what we have here is not popcorn that has been covered with chocolate, but rather a unique cocoa powder has heavily dusted the kernels and given us something truly unlike any other popcorn we have ever tried.

Unfortunately, we simply do not love it.  The popcorn itself is light and crispy, but we’re missing that crucial layer of rich, fattiness that we love from most savory popcorn; plus we would have liked some salt thrown into the mix!  Kudos to Cobs for pushing the popcorn flavor boundaries.  We more than appreciate the efforts, and we perfectly understand that to really knock one out of the park, you have a swing and miss sometimes.

As always, these are our thoughts. Agree or disagree, make sure to let us know.

Popcorn provided to Chip Review by Cobs for review

Cobs Popcorn Official Website

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REVIEW: Good Health Natural Foods – Wild Blue Buffalo Half Naked Popcorn

Rating: ©©-3/4 chips  (tolerable)

Good Health Natural Foods - Wild Blue BuffaloFrom the back of the Wild Blue Buffalo bag:

All of the “Yee-Haa!” None of the “Uh-Oh.”
Who says you have to pack on the fat to enjoy the lip-smacking zing of spicy buffalo wings?

Well, good question, but after tasting this popcorn we actually say that the fat should be packed on to enjoy the lip-smacking zing of spicy buffalo wings!  This popcorn sounded like it had real promise to us, zesty buffalo sauce mixed with tangy bleu cheese somehow low in fat and calories, but in the end we were a bit let down with the execution and flavor.

First, the positives. The seasoning has a pretty good bleu cheese funk to it.  Aromatic, a little bitter, and slightly salty, and really does taste a bit like bleu cheese.  The buffalo wing seasoning does have some of that classic cayenne heat to it, but not a whole lot.  The popcorn itself is light and airy and crispy and very easy to crunch down.  But that’s about all the good things we can say about this Half Naked Popcorn.

Probably our most favorite part of any good buffalo wing sauce or seasoning is the over-the-top, aromatically pungent, vinegar tanginess!  Buffalo seasoning is never, ever subtle, nor should it be.  Unfortunately, this popcorn has cracked the recipe code and is exactly that!  None of the required vinegar nasal burn!  Seriously, none.  To top it off, the popcorn has no richness to it.  No fatty depth.  Which is of course sort of what Good Health Natural Foods is going for; but they should know that if the popcorn isn’t going to provide any fatty, delicious, comfort, than it needs to make up for it with some potent seasoning!!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at Marianos; Westchester, Illinois

Good Health Natural Foods Official Website

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REVIEW: Ziggy’s Kettle Corn – Smokin’ Honey Barbecue with Himalayan Pink Salt

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Ziggy's - BBQTwo years ago we tasted Ziggy’s Kettle Corn for the first time here at Chip Review.  To call the experience deliciously amazing would be an understatement.  While Ziggy’s Buttery Bliss Kettle Corn was a lip-smacking rendition of the classic combination, it was Ziggy’s two other flavors (Sweet & Salty and Happenin’ Jalapeno) that really knocked our socks off!  In fact, just this past year we finally put together our Top 5 Popcorn list, and guess who landed at the top spot!

Well, it is now 2015, and we are betting that it will be yet another great year popcorn!! And, one of those reasons will likely be due to the fact that Ziggy’s has made the superb decision to release 4 all-new flavors!!  Yep, that’s right, everyone’s favorite kettle corn brand has decided to branch out, and try their hand at combining some other flavors with their deliciously sweet and salty popcorn!  Lucky us, we have all four of those flavors in the snack vault, and will be reviewing each and every one in the near future!

A little while ago we started with reviewing Ziggy’s Tomato Basil with Himalayan Pink Salt kettle corn.  We started with tomato basil flavor because it sounded the least interesting to us.  And overall, the kettle corn was good (we can’t imagine any of Ziggy’s Kettle Corn being anything but good), but overall it wasn’t anything very special.  We really couldn’t taste any basil at all, and the tomato didn’t really do anything other than reiterate the sweetness of the kettle corn.  Next up is Ziggy’s Smokin’ Honey Barbecue with Himalayan Pink Salt.  Again, we fear that putting more sweetness onto an already sweet kettle corn maybe redundant and overkill.  We honestly believe that kettle corn is best flavored using ingredients that will juxtapose the sweet notes.  Which is why we are saving Ziggy’s two other new flavors – Kickin’ Buffalo Wing and Savory Chili Lime – for last, because we think think they hold the most promise!

You know what?  The Smokin’ Honey Barbecue is better than we expected.  Sweet, smoky and savory notes flood the air as soon as we open the bag.  Initial thought, this kettle corn evokes thoughts of sweet and smoky bbq meat – probably ribs to be specific.  So, if you are looking for sweet, smoky, savory and salty bbq, and can’t find the real stuff, this kettle corn may just do the trick!  The kettle corn does tread very closely to the too sweet line, but in the end the tangy tomato, fragrant smoke, and salty salt are able to corral that sweetness and deliver a balanced, tasty combination!  The more popcorn we ate, the more we enjoyed it.  Ziggy’s just knows how to produce great sweet and salty kettle cooked popcorn!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Popcorn provided to Chip Review by Ziggy’s Kettle Corn for review

Ziggy’s Kettle Corn Official Website

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REVIEW: Chef’s Shoppe – Beer Popcorn

Rating: ©©©©© chips  (“A” list)

** Updated 11/10/15 – upon further review (aka more delicious sampling) of this impeccable product, we felt it our duty to change the beer popcorn’s rating to “A” list!

Chef's ShoppeWe often wonder how many deliciously different salty snacks there are out there that the majority of us will never ever get the chance to try?  Those smaller local companies that only distribute in the surrounding area, or the little mom and pop stores that specialize in one specific type of snack, and unless you happen to travel to this specific town or region of the country you may never ever know of the delicacies that await you there.  Luckily for Chip Review we have a lot of friends and family out there that are always on the lookout for local snacks wherever they may be visiting.  Seriously, we cannot begin to tell you how many different pictures we receive each day from one person or another asking us “hey, have you ever tried these ones?” or, “hey, we’ve never seen these, have you reviewed these?”, or “hey, we’re in Ohio have you ever heard of Grippo’s??”  More often than not we have already tasted and reviewed whatever snack may be on the photo, but every once in a while that person or people come through and we strike it snack rich!!  “Grab one or two of every flavor they’ve got!!”  we yell over the phone or texting machine.

The most recent example of this type of scenario just took place a week or two ago.  One of us from Chip Review walked into the office one morning and there sitting on our desk is a small collection of a variety of different flavored popcorn from some company called Chef’s Shoppe.  The flavors ranged from dill pickle to pizza to bacon cheddar, but the one that really caught our attention, and in the end the one that we ended up liking the most was the beer flavor!

But first let’s back track to this Chef’s Shoppe.  After a little investigative work, and explanation from the giver of the popcorn, we learned that the Chef’s Shoppe is a Gourmet Kitchen Store (aka specialty cooking and food store) located in Edwardsville, Illinois.  And, Edwardsville is the third oldest city in the state of Illinois.  Although technically a city in southwestern Illinois, Edwardsville is considered a part of the greater metro area of St. Louis.  So, we’re not sure if Edwardsville citizens cheer for the Blackhawks or the Blues!  We can only imagine that it is a heated debate in those parts!!  Sorry, back on track.  Obviously the Chef’s Shoppe sells more than specialty kitchen tools and foods and such.  They also offer more than seventy different popcorn flavors.  According to the Chef Shoppe’s webite:

In May 2012 the Chef’s Shoppe expanded again, taking over the 2,500 square foot space adjacent to the existing business and adding popcorn.  But they didn’t start small – offering over 70 flavors of popcorn every day, the Chef’s Shoppe entered the popcorn scene in a big way. Scott, having officially retired after 32 years with AT&T the year before, is the head “popologist”.  With the help of his merry band of popping and coating specialists they turn out hundreds of gallons of popcorn every week.  ALL are made fresh in house – ALL are available to taste before you buy – ALL are so delicious that picking just one is nearly impossible.

Well, the Chef’s Shoppe seems like our sort of place, and we hope the fine people of Edwardsville, and even St. Louis, continue to embrace and support it for a very long time to come.  Chef’s Shoppe popcorn is on the larger end of the popcorn spectrum, with very round, and softer kernels.  We would describe them as having a lot of popcorn meat, or body to them, that provides a great toothsome popcorn chew.  As for the beer flavoring – WOW!  This stuff is pretty awesome!  Certainly some of the most unique flavored popcorn we have ever tried.  Visually, no one would ever assume that they were about to eat beer flavored popcorn, it pretty much just looks like a cheddar cheese popcorn.  However, a couple kernels in the mouth, and one quickly realizes that they are enjoying something a bit unusual, something they can’t quite pinpoint, and something DELICIOUS!!  We were surprised to discover that the base of the popcorn seasoning was actually spicy cheese.  Nowhere on the packaging does it indicate that the popcorn is anything but beer flavored?  However, it is immediately apparent that this popcorn also includes a slightly spicy and creamy cheese layer in addition to beer (quick glance to the Chef Shoppe website confirms our findings).  What really sets this popcorn apart, and what makes us love the flavoring is the decisively yeasty beer flavoring.  The spicy-cheesy-beer-y combination works amazingly well with popcorn.  We were beyond impressed to say the least!!

So, if you ever find yourself traveling to, or through, Edwardsville Illinois, do yourself a favor and go try a couple, or fifty, different popcorn flavors from the Chef Shoppe.  Just make sure that one of those flavors is the BEER!!

As always, these are our thoughts. Agree or disagree, make sure to let us know.

Popcorn provided to Chip Review by J & V for review

Chef’s Shoppe Official Website

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