Chip Review of the day…..

Beer Chips – Barbecue Rib Kettle Cooked Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©-3/4 chips  (notable)


These barbecue rib chips have a certain respectable subtlety to them.   All of the involved seasonings jive cohesively to create a well balanced, not too sweet, or too zingy, or too salty, or too smoky….

BBQ chip…..

“But these are supposed to be Barbecue RIB chips?”  We hear many of you saying to yourselves….

And you know what?  You are right, but all we can say is that these chips really do not trigger any thoughts of meaty Ribs on our minds, especially the way we know other chips in the industry are able to mimic that rich meaty flavor.

The kettle cooked potato chips themselves were on the small side, crunchy, and did their job well enough.

Speaking of meat flavored chips, Chip Review recently asked you, our readers, which ‘Meat Flavored Chips’ are your favorites?  We’d still love to hear what you think.

As always we would love to hear what you think.  Let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Beer Chips for review

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