REVIEW: Late July – Jalapeño Lime Clasico Tortilla Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

Late July - Jalapeno LimeAnyone who tries to tell you that appearance doesn’t matter is kidding themselves!  Appearance does matter, even when it comes to chips, and Late July Snacks really seems to understand this with the design of their new Taco Truck Inspired Clasico Tortilla Chip bags!  Just look at that electric green bag to your left!  Eye catching isn’t it?  Great sense of style.  Bold, yet refined.  Simple, and yet so poignantly candid with their visual message that our mouths start salivating just by looking at the bag.  Three perfectly shaped corn tortilla chips, mingling with fresh slices of jalapeño, and a juicy wedge of lime.  Those ingredients just scream out tacos!

Jalapeño Lime is the third and final act from Late July’s new Taco Truck Inspired trio of flavors.  A little while ago we reviewed Late July’s Bacon Habanero Tortilla Chips, and overall, we thought the bacon and habanero chips were lip-smacking, and definitely permeating profusely with a pronounced porky presence, but they were also lacking a bit in any true habanero chile presence!  We then reviewed their Nacho Chipotle Tortilla Chips, and while they did deliver a salty and tasty cheese flavor, we did not recognize very much chipotle chile at all.  Where’s the smoke and heat?!  As for these Jalapeño Lime chips, well they fall somewhere in the middle our ranking of the other two flavors.  Not quite as lip-smacking as Bacon Habanero, but certainly more notable than Nacho Chipotle.

Initial thought, after a couple of chips is that these are not so much jalapeño lime as they are jalapeño ranch, or zesty ranch, or creamy & zesty jalapeño.  Anyway which way we describe them they are tasty!  First, a little splash of citrus from the lime, but not too much, then a wonderfully creamy layer of something akin to the buttermilk in a ranch seasoning, next a few fragrant vegetal notes, maybe that is the jalapeño – not sure, and lastly, toss in some garlic and onion for good measure.  The flavors compliment the yellow corn tortilla chips very nicely.  While they don’t necessarily have as much heat as we would expect from a chip being called jalapeño (seems to be the trend with Late July’s new flavors), we definitely recognized that there was some heat on the tail end of the chip chomping experience.

Overall, pretty great chips, but a bit deceiving with the flavor accuracy. No where among the flavor descriptors on the front of the bag does it indicate that we would be tasting CREAMY jalapeño lime chips??  That being said, flavor reigns supreme in this case, and regardless of accuracy we really liked these, and the entire Taco Truck Inspired Clasico Tortilla Chip Trio!!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips discovered at Whole Foods; River Forest, Illinois

Late July Organic Snacks Official Website

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(1/4 increments)

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