REVIEW: The Better Chip – Chipotle & Sea Salt Tortilla Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

The Better Chip - ChipotleWithin the past decade or so, Chipotle has become a common household name among the majority of us.  Many of us, for one reason or another, are still pronouncing it incorrectly (and yes – I’m looking at you chee-pull-tee people!), but nonetheless it is now everyday terminology in our vocabulary arsenal.

And for those of you who only know name the name Chipotle as a place where you, or your friends, or your kids, or your kid’s friends, or basically anyone and everyone you know goes to get their burrito fix, well then, chipotles are actually vine ripened red jalapeno chiles, that have been smoked and dried.  So, just in case any of you were thinking that these new tortilla chips from The Better Chip were going to be tasting like your favorite football size chicken and steak burritos, think again!

What The Better Chip has delivered to us are some lip-smacking chipotle chile enhanced tortilla chips!  A fine textbook definition of the saying: less is more.  The Better Chip keeps it simple, and merely conveys chipotle essence to the smoky chile maximus!  Each chip has a delightful burnt orange hue to it, as if the chipotle chiles actually tinted the tortilla dough.  The chips also contained small pieces of chipotle chiles randomly strewn throughout them.  Quick question, a year or two ago we reviewed, and raved about, The Better Chip’s jalapeno tortilla chips.  That being said, those chips were not green!  So, why is it that when chipotle chiles are mixed with tortilla masa the dough becomes colored, but when jalapenos are blended with the masa, the chips remain white?  The chip loving public may never know!!

Warning!  These chips do deliver a sneaky, and lingering wallop of heat!  A heat that nonchalantly creeps up in the background, but then pounces on your tongue and throat like a wild cat!  In our opinion, the tortilla chips themselves are a tad too dense. Not sure if blending the chipotle pieces directly into the tortilla chip flour changed The Better Chip’s typical crispy consistency, but the chips are a little too hard and crunchy for our loving.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered Pete’s Fresh Market; Westmont, Illinois

The Better Chip Official Website

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REVIEW: The Original Saratoga Chips – Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips  (lip-smacking)

Original Saratoga Chips - Sea Salt & Cracked PepperSea Salt & Cracked Pepper – as classic a combination as there ever was.  Sort of like Saratoga, N.Y. and horse racing, or Chip Review and…..well, chips of course!!  Similar to the last bag of Saratoga Chips we reviewed, we have been meaning to get to these for quite some time now!  Well, that time has come, and let’s get this race started!

We’ve reviewed a handful of Saratoga Chips in the past year or two, and we’ve really liked them all.  If you’ve read any of those other reviews then you may want to skip over the the re-cap directly below; but for those of you who aren’t caught up on your Saratoga Chips history, you should appreciate the following.  And so the story goes:

A patron at Moon’s Lake House ordered fried potatoes with his meal. The diner complained that the potatoes were too thick and sent them back to the cook.

The cook at the restaurant was George Crum, who is described as Native American in some accounts and an African American in others. There is agreement, however, on Crum’s disposition—he was generally ornery. Upset that someone would criticize his cooking, Crum sliced a new batch of potatoes paper-thin, fried them in boiling oil to a crisp, and then salted them.

But what was intended as a stunt turned into an instant hit – the fussy patron and his friends loved the “crunch potato slices.” Soon the chips became known as Saratoga Chips. At first they were served in restaurants throughout the region. When George Crum left Moon’s Lake Inn to start his own restaurant called “Crumbs House,” he placed large baskets of the chips on every table. It was not long before Saratoga Chips could be found in restaurants up and down the East Coast. Soon they became known as potato chips. (

While it seems like some chip companies are perfectly content with simply sitting back and providing the masses with their edible salty snacks, other chip companies continually strive to deliver their fans with even better versions of their amazing products.  Not only did Saratoga Chips invent America’s First Kettle Chip in 1853, but in the summer of 2014 (some 150 years later!!) the company has decided to only use Himalayan Pink Salt on all six of their chip flavors. As far as we know this is an industry first!

When it comes to salt & pepper flavored chips on the market today, there are really two different styles, or recipes.  First, there are your purists, or minimalists.  They like to keep it straight, and to the point – typically only four simple ingredients: potatoes, oil, salt and pepper.  The recipe is a classic, but requires flawless execution and the highest quality of ingredients for them to actually taste very good.  But, for one reason or another, this is not the style we find more often than not.  Instead, the majority of salt and pepper flavored chips are much more complex.  You can call it cheating, or you can call it brilliant, but brands such as Saratoga Chips prefer to up the flavor ante, by adding plenty of complimentary background flavors like onion and garlic to enrich the classic salt and pepper combo.  Should we penalize these brands for veering off the classic S&P recipe path?  We say, bring on the additional flavor depth, because we feel like the extra ingredients add dimension and character, and definitely flavor!

We have tried and reviewed a lot of salt and pepper flavored chips over the years, and we must say that this version from Saratoga Chips is a very fine addition to the flavor family.  While they may not necessarily make our all-time Top 5 salt and pepper chips, we are pretty sure that if we extended this list to 10, they would definitely be in the running!

This salt and pepper recipe starts off with potent flavor notes of onion, and the finely cracked peppercorns.  Throw in a dash of garlic, and a good level of salt, and you have a delicious seasoning blend that perfectly compliments Saratoga’s potato chips.  Visually, the chips exhibit a very even distribution of finely cracked pepper, with a few larger peppercorn shell pieces scattered throughout.  We really appreciated how each chip delivered a subtle yet spicy black pepper warmth in the back of our throats.

As great as this salt and pepper seasoning is, the real star is Saratoga’s kettle cooked potato chips.  We really like how the chips appear as though they are going to be very crunchy, as the majority of kettle cooked chips are, but instead they are much more crispy than crunchy.  A light and crispy crunch that is full flavored without hurting our teeth!  And despite all of the seasoning covering these chips we could still taste the real potato flavor.  Plain and simple, these are fantastic chips that we could devour every day.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Saratoga Specialties Company for review

The Original Saratoga Chips Official Website

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REVIEW: Deep River Snacks – Peach Habanero Tortilla Chips

Rating: ©©©©-3/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

Deep River Snacks - Peach Habanero Tortilla ChipsDeep River Snacks Peach Habanero Tortilla Chips –

In Your Face Flavor!?  Yep!

In Our Mouth Flavor!!  Triple-double yes!

We must admit, these chips really snuck up on us.  We were simply minding our own business, methodically scanning the snack shelves of our local grocery store and all of a sudden – wham! A sharp, eye catching, rich black and electric green bag with the words Deep River Snacks, and more importantly, Peach Habanero!  Where the heck did these come from?!  Why have we not heard of these before right now?!?  What are we doing asking all of these questions instead of digging into these exciting new chips!?!

Initial reaction: sweet, salty, sour, tangy and very spicy!  Pretty much nailed every single taste bud we’ve got!  These chips have got it all.  A real funky whirlwind of flavors, and yet able to come together very cohesively.  The peach habanero seasoning really, really reminds us of Hawaiian’s Mango Habanero kettle chips; in that at first we thought the chips were on the verge of being too cloyingly sweet, but then our taste buds settled in and accepted the sweet peach flavor.  Some people may be turned off by just how intensely sweet these chips are at first, but if they hang in there for just a couple chips more they should soon experience the harmonious deliciousness that these chips deliver!

Once the sweet peach nectar powder subdues, the tangy vinegar notes, and fruity, floral notes of the habanero appear.  Each complimenting the sweet stone fruit, while also helping to subdue and cut through some of the sweetness.  The seasoning works very well with the corn tortilla chips.  On the tail end is where the heat finally comes in.  And we are talking about some real heat here.  Maybe not quite the heat of some other habanero flavored chips but still anytime you have real habanero powder listed in among your ingredients, you know they are going to be spicy!!  The best part of it was, unlike with most snacks claiming to be habanero flavored, we could actually taste the habanero chile, even through all that heat.

The tortilla chips themselves are pretty good.  Light and crunchy, with a rustic corn flavor.  They sort of remind us of Doritos, except a bit heavier.  Very easy to crunch through a whole bunch of them a short amount of time!

Overall, these are fabulous, fun, unique and tasty! We feel like it is our chip duty to also mention that these chips are much, much better than Lay’s current delve into the fruit flavored chip realm with their Mango Salsa potato chips (much, much better).  It’s funny, many of these unique flavored chips don’t seem like they should work, and many don’t end up working, but some brands seem to have that secret recipe and we are all better for it!!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Deep River Snacks for review

Deep River Snacks Official Website

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REVIEW: Riceworks – Salsa Fresca Gourmet Brown Rice Crisps

Rating: ©©©©-1/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

Rice Works - Salsa FrescaRiceworks’ clever crisp name really works rice, don’t you think?

Riceworks Gourmet Brown Rice Crisps have been available on the market for quite some time.  We’re betting they’ve been around for practically a decade, if not longer.  We’ve tried a few of their flavors on a handful of occasions over the years, but for one reason or another, we have never actually taken the time to jot down some tasting notes, let alone put together a written review. Well, shame on us, and all that changes right now!

Truth be told, we have actually reviewed one of Riceworks rice crisps, but those were the Wild Riceworks!! Which we loved quite a bit, so much so in fact that they even made our 25 Chips to Christmas.

Riceworks crisps are so grainy good! Seriously, how they successfully pack together all of those brown rice grains into one uniform crisp is truly amazing. For any of you out there still somehow unfamiliar with rice based crisps, and particularly Riceworks, we’re not sure if there is any accurate way of describing the crisps’ unique grainy texture.  They are very crunchy, yet with sort of a softer meaty-nutty finish.  We really like them!

As for the Salsa Fresca flavor, it is pleasantly tasty, but relatively straight forward and simple! A decent seasoning combination of the usual salsa suspects – onion, tomato, garlic, and peppers.  What the flavor lacks in any spicy heat, it makes up for with a delightfully unique, tangy, citrus note!  The more crisps we ate, the more apparent the sour tones became, and the more thoroughly we enjoyed the salsa fresca flavor.

Plain and simple, Riceworks has one again given us a great tasting crisp, with a uniquely hearty crunch, and a delicate overall mouth-feel.  We don’t spot Riceworks on our local chip shelves very often, but the next time we do, we’re going to make sure we capitalize on it!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Riceworks for review

Riceworks Official Website

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REVIEW: Lesser Evil Chia Crisps – Big, Bold and Sharp Jalapeno White Cheddar Baked Black Bean Chips

Rating: ©©©-1/2 chips  (notable)

Lesser Evil Chia Crisps - Jalapeno White CheddarNow that’s a mouthful! And we’re not talking about the Chia Crisps themselves!!  No, we are referring to the over-the-top, ultra descriptive, adjective-laden, packaging above!  As fellow fans, and abusers, of the written word, of course we understand the importance of accurately illustrated communication, but when you start to use Sooooo MANY descriptions to describe your crisps, we begin to think that you are overcompensating for something!  Little flavor syndrome perhaps?!?

We have tried a couple of the other Chia Crisp flavors  prior to these jalapeno white cheddar, and for the most part we had found them quite accurately flavorful.  That being said, this time we weren’t quite as wowed, just sort of satisfied.  We certainly wouldn’t describe these as big, bold, or sharp.  The seasoning blend is notably tasty, and evenly distributed, but we just found it lacking any real big and bold flavors!  After a few handfuls of the crisps, the heat does begin to surface, and the white cheddar cheese seasoning delivers a smooth and creamy essence, but we were really hoping for….more.  In fact, if we were doing a blind taste test of these, we may have thought that they were pizza flavored.  Somehow the flavor combo of cheddar, onion, garlic, and nutty black bean with chia mingled to release notes of pizza.  Weird!

We must admit, Lesser Evil is a bit deceptive by calling these ‘Chia Crisps’, when in fact the crisps are predominantly black bean based; but understand that ‘chia’ is the definitely the more trendy “super food” ingredient these days, so they just want to showcase the fact that the crisps do indeed have chia inside of them!  More chia to ya!

The richly dark brown crisps are very thin and perfectly circular, with slightly rounded over edges, reminiscent of a Frisbee disc.  Their texture is crispy but deliver a rather dry and dense mouthfeel.  They work perfectly fine as a healthier crunchy snack alternative, but they do not evoke any of the same rich, fatty, and satisfying mouth texture that traditionally fried potato and tortilla chips do.  We appreciate what they are offering, but wouldn’t ever choose these over “normal” chips for any reason.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at T.J.Maxx; Lincoln Park – Chicago, Illinois

Lesser Evil Official Website

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