REVIEW: “Dirty” – Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/4 chips  (lip-smacking)

Dirty - Sour Cream & OnionWho likes their potato chips “dirty”?  Apparently, we do! We have to admit that the first handful of times we opened up a “Dirty” Potato Chips bag we envisioned reaching in and pulling out a potato chip seasoned with a liberal dusting of dirt!

Apparently, we are not the only ones who have wondered why these chips are called “Dirty”?  According to “Dirty’s” website: “The name “Dirty” comes from the process we used to prepare our chips. The potato slices are not washed, leaving more of the potato flavor….and they are crafted one batch at a time– it’s a difference our customers say they can taste in every bite.”  There you have it!  Does the decision to not wash off the natural potato starch after slicing the potatoes?  We’re not sure, but we can tell you that “Dirty” certainly makes a lip-smackingly respectable kettle cooked potato chip.

“Dirty’s” potato chips do exude some great potato flavor!  The potato chips themselves are curly and twisted into all types of shape.  The kettle cooked recipe uses peanut oil for frying, resulting in a, slightly greasy, mild oil flavor that doesn’t distract away from the potatoes themselves, or the seasoning blend.  The chips are medium cut, with a commendably sturdy bite to them.  Really good kettle chips.

“Dirty’s” sour cream and onion seasoning is all at once smooth, simple, concise, clean and correct!  The potato chips provide the perfect canvas to display this very complimentary seasoning.  This recipe of sour cream and onion is light on the cream, and onion.  The pungently sweet onion does linger for a while, while the light and tangy sour cream adds a nice bite.

Plain and simple, these “Dirty’s” are a lip-smacking rendition of sour cream & onion flavored kettle cooked potato chips!!!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at a gas station; Kimball, MN

“Dirty” Potato Chips Official Website

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REVIEW: Deep River Snacks – Krinkle Cut Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©-1/2 chips  (notable)

Deep River Snacks - Krinkle Cut Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips


In the past we’ve referred to Deep River Snack’s potato chips as “some of the most hearty, crunchy, full-bodied, thick-cut and overall best kettle cooked chips in the industry!”  Unfortunately, with their latest venture into the ‘krinkle cut kettle cooked’ territory, they have taken their near perfect chip perfection to an over-the-top, tooth crackingly, too crunchy territory!

Similar to both Krunchers! and Trader Joe’s versions of the same style kettle cooked chips, we simply can’t say that we are fans of this style at all.  It just seems like somehow the chips become exponentially crunchier when they are krinkle cut.  Maybe it is just our preference, or maybe there is some other hidden reason as to why there just doesn’t seem to be very many versions of these krinkle cut kettle cooked style of potato chip on the market today?  Too thick?  Yes.  Extra crunchy and verging on too hard?  Yes.  Too abrasive for our tender mouths? Yes, yes, yes!

Despite their negative aspects, we would also like to point out the chip’s good side!  Their seasoning blend is very good.  A classic mix of subtle sour cream and pungent onion.  Their recipe reminds us of sour cream and onions from our childhood.  A perfect flavor combination that is salty, smooth, flavorful and definitely compliments the potato flavor very well!

We wouldn’t necessarily write these chips straight off for their texture, but if it weren’t for their delicious flavor, we would have had a tough time calling these chips even tolerable.  As it is, they are notable, and if you like your chips extra, extra crispy, then maybe these are for you!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Deep River Snacks for review

Deep River Snacks Official Website

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