REVIEW: Lay’s Wavy – Roasted Garlic & Sea Salt Potato Chips

Rating: ©©©©-1/2 chips  (lip-smacking)

Lay's Wavy - Roasted Garlic & Sea Salt


New flavor alert!  New flavor alert!!!

We hate to admit it, but these ones nearly slipped past us in the chip aisle the other day.  We were strolling along, scoping out our local, chip filled grocery store shelves for anything new and intriguing, and thought we had struck out.  Luckily, we were wrong, and this is why we cannot stress enough the importance of always doing a 180, turning yourself around, and doing a double-take once you have reached the end of the chip aisle.  Even the most seasoned chip hunters can miss a potato in a field (so to speak) from time to time.

Lay’s Wavy Roasted Garlic & Sea Salt are debuting right on the heals of the recently, debuted and delicious ‘Do Us A Flavor’ finalist Cheesy Garlic Bread.  Apparently, ‘garlic’ is the new ‘black’ this year within the chip industry, and we’ve got no problems with that (our co-workers may have a problem with our breath though)!

Honestly, we think that the Roasted Garlic & Sea Salt flavor title for these chips, doesn’t quite do them justice.  We would describe them more like Garlic Butter & Cracked Black Pepper with Sea Salt.  Sounds like a winning flavor combination doesn’t it?  Well, you are right, it is.

Although black pepper does not make an official appearance on the ingredients list anywhere, we have a sneaking suspicion that it is probably included amongst the illusive generic “spices” listed.  Our justification for the black pepper suspicion is due to an unsuspected dull heat that we experienced on the back end after each chip we ate.  The multiple levels of flavor interplay were truly surprising.  We experienced the always welcome juxtaposition between sweet and salty, in conjunction with the savory roasted garlic, and the subtle spicy heat, all evenly, and thoroughly coating each rippled potato chip.  The seasoning is definitely the star of the show here, as Lay’s Wavy potato chips simply provide a durable, crunchy, and neutral canvas for the flavor to coat.

As far as new Lay’s potato chips go, we definitely welcome this arrival, and wish them a long, and prosperous roasted shelf life!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think. Agree or disagree, let us know.

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