REVIEW: Morther’s Farms – Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Mother's Farms - Sweet Potato Tortilla Chipsf


What comes to mind when we say the words “sweet potato chips” to you?  Maybe, healthy?  Dark red?  Sweet?  Of course. And, potato chips, we’re guessing?

Well, unlike ‘traditional’ sweet potato chips as we know them, Mother’s Farms has created sweet potato tortilla chips.  Their chips are actually predominantly corn based tortilla chips, but they use some sweet potato flour in the recipe.  The addition of sweet potato gives the tortilla chips a lovely, soft, reddish hue, along with a very recognizable, yet subtle, sweet potato flavor.

As we have indicated many times before, we often have had our problems with the traditional sweet potato chip texture.  However, with this sweet potato and corn tortilla combo, Mother’s Farms may have found our cure.  The chips’ texture remains true to a tortilla chip – crispy, flaky, substantially rigid, yet light; where as, with sweet potato chips always seem to have this slightly soft, not very crispy, crunch, and a toothsome chew that we do not really love…

These tortilla chips have a nice layer of salt that helps cut through the sweetness, which we found out was embraced, and even enhanced a bit, with the addition of honey.  All in all, very eatable chips, and we can’t wait to try Mother’s Farms other flavors.  Stay tuned for Pumpkin Seed and Sweet Corn & Black Pepper.

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Chips provided to Chip Review by Mother’s Forms for review

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