REVIEW: Snyder’s of Hanover Sweet and Salty – Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel Pieces

Rating: ©©©-3/4 chips  (notable)

Snyder's of Hanover Sweet and Salty - Cinnamon SugarAll new Snyder’s of Hanover Pretzel Pieces alert! 

If the sound of that doesn’t peak your interest, than we’re not sure if you are in the right place, nor if your taste buds are actually working!  May we suggest you have those checked out right away!!

As many of you are probably already aware Snyder’s of Hanover (SOH), are (in our humble opinion) the “classic masters of hard sour dough pretzel snacks”.  We have touted their pretzel making merits countless times around these parts.  That being said, although being a little better than the other Salted Caramel flavor, for the most part we’re not huge fans of SOH’s ‘Sweet and Salty’ line of pretzel pieces.  We’re just going to stick with their ‘salty and savory’ line of tried and true pretzel pieces!

For those of you somehow still unfamiliar with Snyder’s of Hanover’s pretzel pieces, let us explain to you our hypothetical scenario beliefs regarding these deliciously crunchy pretzel pieces.  In a perfect world, SOH would resourcefully use their leftover, broken during the manufacturing process, pretzel pieces to creatively provide us with these tasty bites (unlikely, we know)!  The most ingenious part of the “broken” pretzel pieces, is that they generously expose their very porous, bread-y insides, and willfully absorb an often more than ample amount of whatever flavoring SOH is applying.

Once again, as was the case with the other ‘Sweet and Salty’ flavor, we were wishing that there was even more salt.  More like ‘Sweet and sorta Salty’!  While salt was not necessarily nonexistent this time, it would have benefited tremendously from an extra dash, or two, or five of the world’s greatest mineral rock formation!  The finely ground cinnamon and sugar combination was abundantly coating every nook and cranny of the pretzel pieces.  The flavors melded well, and while it the pieces weren’t necessarily overly sweet, they just would have profited from the salt cutting though some of the monotonous cinnamon and sugar sweet tones.

All in all, these were certainly not bad, but we didn’t really love them.  This is one of those cases where we think SOH could really take some notes from Pretzel Crisps’ ultra successful Cinnamon Toast flavor, and made sure to still include enough salt to juxtapose the sweetness.  Maybe we should set these out amongst another salty snack to help balance each other out.  Or, MAYBE Snyder’s of Hanover should do another Flavor Doubles with Cinnamon Sugar, and one of their deliciously salty-savory flavors?  How does Cinnamon Sugar and Buffalo Wing sound….huh?!?  You heard it here first!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

Discovered at Hy-Vee; Madison, Wisconsin

Snyder’s of Hanover Official Website

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