Chip Review of the day…..

Udi’s Ancient Grain – Jalapeno Cheddar Gluten Free Crisps

Rating: ©©©© chips  (lip-smacking)

Udi Ancient Grains - Jalapeno Cheddar Crisps


Ancient Grains = yellow corn, brown rice, flaxseed, black sesame seeds, bran, and quinoa!

Crisp result = a peculiarly dense, and anciently grainy texture!

These days you can’t go anywhere without hearing gluten free this, and gluten free that, and we’re sure that many people often associate this lifestyle as encompassing relatively undesirable tasting food.  Luckily for us, and for those gluten free factions, companies such as Udi are out there doing their best to change those associations, and beliefs; and for the most part they are succeeding.

Udi’s Ancient Grain Crisps are on the harder end of the crisp spectrum.  Light, compact, dense, and loaded with plenty of ancient grains (seeds), adding some really great textural dimension and mouth feel, as well as, nutty flavor to the crunchy crisps!  The gluten free crisps are denser than we typically like, but the grains really elevate them.

The seasoning blend that coats the crisps is definitely packed full of bold flavors.  First and foremost, the crisps have plenty of that spicy jalapeno seasoning.  Hitting both the fresh, vegetal, pepper notes, along with that spicy chile heat!  The other half of the jalapeno and cheddar equation is certainly not lacking either.  Very flavorful, and salty, cheddar cheese powder dances with the jalapeno heat!

The crisps are surprisingly packed full of flavor and texture, and also satisfyingly hearty and filling for only having 3.5g of fat per serving!!  Gluten free haters would have to bite their tongue with these ones!!  Give them a try!

As always, these are our thoughts, we would love to hear what you think.  Agree or disagree, let us know.

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